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Nugget G60... an obituary

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With Andy's car being one of the most well known on the Forum in recent years, it seems only fitting to mark it's passing with a (mini) pictorial obituary...


pre-carbon spoiler days:




stanford '08:






well done on a great car! :salute:

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Jazzdevil - thank you very much. Its a sad day in many ways but I'm being realistic - I'm selling it in the best condition its been in since I bought the car four and a half years ago. Its going to a guy who I'm sure will at the very least maintain its current condition and hopefully will take it to the next level.


Sarah has decided to go out for the evening as she said it will be too upsetting to see the car drive off - Noah had his first ever journey in the car so it will always have a special place in our hearts.


They can take the car but they can never take the memories

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Adz the Rat - not directly replacing it with anything - have swapped the wifes Saab for a rather nic (but standard at the mo) Golf V6 4Motion which I'm picking up from Aberdeen tomorrow

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Does going to Eire count as passing? If so does that make Vick's (ex jay) the messiah? :lol:


Some of us do look after our cars this side of the water you know :p :lol:

Andy what part of Ireland did it go to if you don't mind me asking?

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Its going to Co. Kerry next Thursday - its just driven off, first time in 4 1/2 years that it has been driven by anyone else, Sarah was balling her eyes out

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Sorry to hear that Andy, I've had one drive off before and know what it feels like, but yours is a very much respected Corrado because of the standard and I am sure it's like ripping your heart out. On the positive side, hopefully i will get to see it on the scene over here, and the new owner will take as much care of it as you have.

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He's sold it, not written it off :lol:


i know, but i was too new to the Forum to appreciate/associate the fabled Renshawmobile... i guess it's my way of saying, if i could have afforded it there'd be a familiar G60 nugget about 30ft from me right now :)

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