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Head Unit Recommendations

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Well my old Sony's finally giving up a bit on me (it is 15 yrs old and done service in 7 cars) Harness is broken under the sheathing and the Changer's Skipping on bumps more often (weak springs?)


So I'd like to replace it with a new head unit and changer combo (still in the realms of CD's and don't want hassle of changing on the move).


Any recommendations?


Want to stay with a black facia (silver looks tacky), to stay in keeping with the dash.

Green/red illumination (No blue LEDs for me!)...

Would like I-pod connectivity too as I'm just feeling my way into this 21st centry music phenomina!



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Alpine all the way chum...heard lots of different combos over the years and they're easily the most consistent over the range. In fact, the headunit I'm using is 4 cars and at least 6 years old as i haven't found anything better to replace it with. (can't remember the model #, but its got 60w of beef!)


I also used to have a Blaupunkt which kicked bottom in a major way.

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I just bought an Alpine iDA X300 wont set the world alight but is a BIG improvement over the std sony tape deck :D Plus what I liked about it is the fact that it goes well into the Corrado interior ie doesnt look too modern, all green etc Plus pretty cheap.

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Alpine all the way. unlike some head units you dont have dolphins swimming around on your headunit :cuckoo:

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personally i'm a big fan of blaupunkt, i've had several of them now and i've never been disappointed - vey nicely put together.


alpine are great units, but i find that the buttons not only loose their feel but work much crapper as the unit get older. don't get me wrong; the unit has to be pretty old and used a lot for this to happen, but all alpine button go crap eventually without exception - never had this problem with the blaupunkts - they're german too! :D

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Alpine all the way. unlike some head units you dont have dolphins swimming around on your headunit :cuckoo:


Pioneer DEH-8600MP?


I had one of them, sounded pants, aswell as the annoying dolphins! :lol:

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Ok so looks like it's down to either Alpine or Nakamichi


Anyone used a Nak MB100 6disc head unit? I'm guessing it'll need an external amp???


Lisa.. it's my alarm, no choice about that LED.... :p


Andy, feck off and get some sleep! :fist:

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One of Nak's was renowned for CD skipping, think it was the CD400.


For sound quality, Nakamichi, Clarion and Becker are excellent. You need a very high end Alpine to match them, which is odd given Nak and Alp are the same company.


The Nak is very 80s looking, which will suit the Corrado perfectly and is the one I would choose, providing they've improved the CD transport.


If you're rich, check out the Pioneer P90RS, probably THE best deck I've ever heard.


If you're not so rich, the P88RS is a nice guy too.....sounds stupidly powerful.

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Pioneers tuners are normally fairly versitial, but I have to say even though I have a Pioneer I'm shopping around myself for an Alpine.

And yes, a good few of the Nakamichis are a little too fond of skipping.

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Pioneer tuners seem as good as anything else in my experience.


The Alpine / Naks have a softer, warmer sound compared to the Pioneers. The P90RS is clinically accurate and very dynamic, but it costs ~£800 just for the player! You need the external DACs (another £700ish) to extract the best from it.


The Pioneer P77 was probably one of the best all rounders and a bargain to boot! Not sure if it's still made tho.

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Anyone recommend an Audio forum? I've decided on the Pioneer DEH-P88RSII but not keen on the new price... so hope to trawl some of the audio sites and see if i can hook a bargain!

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try talkaudio its a really knowledgeable site.


As for recomendations i used to be a die hard alpine and have had some of there well rated units like the 7944 and the 9835 but nowadays i find them too bright. Im currently using a becker grandprix which sounds great out the box and looks like a factory head unit so blends in to my dash,

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try talkaudio its a really knowledgeable site.


As for recomendations i used to be a die hard alpine and have had some of there well rated units like the 7944 and the 7835 but nowadays i find them too bright. Im currently using a becker grandprix which sounds great out the box and looks like a factory head unit so blends in to my dash,


My m8 that works for Harman Kardon (auto division) swears by the Becker head units. Heard his install and it was very impressive.

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They are quite impressive, they sound nice out the box with all the sounds setting on zero, where as with the alpines you have to spend some time setting them up. Its also really easy to use, looks discreeet much like a standard unit would so i dont have to worry about security as much and is a bluetooth handsfree for my phone. I recently bought an ipod connector for it and couldnt ask for anything more.


I'll put some pics up of my interior it looks like it was fited from factory with the green illumination which incedentaly dims off the dimmer for the dash lights.

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