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tracking prob... had look, any ideas, see bottom page 1!!!

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hi all,

you have probably read about my problems with t c,

but to fill ya in...

i had a wheel come off due to the incompetance of the previous owner!

since then, i have slowly replaced damaged parts, and went today to have the tracking done,

after a 10 min conversation with a fellow mechanic, he told me that when he went to undo the bolt, as he started to put pressure to undo it, the tracking started moving in and out on its own???

he said it could be the steering rack???

any ideas from any of you experienced ones, lol!

the steering wheel is sitting down to the left...?

its a '90 1.8 16v

how much are racks???

any help would be greatfully appreciated!!



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if it is i love you, lol,

ive been worrying all day about it!!!

easy job or not??

think it was on the rack!!


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well,if he was adjusting the rack he would have been loosening the NUT on the rack,and if he put pressure on that to loosen it as he would have done he probably got some play in the rack,it really depends on the severity of the rack play as most have some play and how far it was altering the tracking,i suspect he was using a digital type with the sensors clamped on the front wheels?


They are very sensitive to any moovment....of any kind!

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from what he said, it was quite alot of play!!

it was a four wheel allignment machine with the infra red!!

im not sure now, it doesnt feel right, but i am just a worrier with previous events and problems!!

i might have a quick look tomoz or defo new years day!!!

so check track rod end.... any bushes or anything that may be worn??

also as a thought, if a rack for power steering is expensive, is it cheaper to convert to manual steering, it doesnt really bother me about hauling the wheel around!!

cheers for your help though!!


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I depends what movment there was,if he said it was rack then its probably the rack and a new or recond unitis the only way to go,if there was movment in the track rod ends then thats a easy job.


Converting to a manual rack would proove no cheaper that a power steering rack mate andi dont think i could drive the raddo without power steering :camp:

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ok, will have a look then!!!

lol, if there isnt a cost difference, or one worth it, i'll replace it, any ideas where i can get one from,

suppose there are a few breaking here actually!!

dont blame the banks, blame the credit crunch corrado, itll just keep eating your money, lol!!

cheers mate!


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nice one, cheers,

was obviously not looking on the search properly!!!

will do in that order then!!!


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ok, so after a quick look, i have discovered that mr drivers side spring and shock seem to have a lot of movement in them!!!

when i jiggled the wheel it almost looked like that could be the problem???

any thoughts??

knackered leg/top mounts???

steering wheel does seem to be dropping to that side now??



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yeah, it was up on jacks,

its on what looks like old knackered shocks and springs that i have been considering replacing anyway!!

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you will have some sort of play when jacked up from the fromt strut,its a cup mount and is locates when the car is loaded and back on the ground.


If you are unsure you need to get a second opinion mate.

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yeah, but theres lots more play on the drivers side,

gonna get a mate to look at it on tuesday, see what he thinks,

its strange, cos ever since he had it up to do the tracking, its felt loads better,

he said he didnt really do anything,

all very strange, will fill ya in when i get my mate to look at it!

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if ones worse then the other replace them mate, will make the car feal loads better, regarding the rack issue, if its power steering they sometimes have play in them anyway when off, as when its running the fluid takes up the play,


you will know if you have play in the track rod end mate shake the wheel left to right jackd up, if theres play then replace, check bottom ball joints when jackd up, get a bar inbetwen the hub and lower arm and pry on it, this will give dodgy steering issues, also check the rear arm mounts where it bolts into the subframe at the back these give sloppy steering to,



let us know how u get on.

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i had this problem and thought it was the rack...... so i bought another rack which is sitting in my garage.

The problem with mine was that the bushes in the control arms had perished so needed replacing and the tracking rod had a slight bend in it, so used one of the rods from the rack id bought to sort it, got it tracked up at a garage and been fine since. :)

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thanks everyone for your help,

i wiggled the wheel left to right and couldn't really feel much play,

when i wiggled up to down, thats when i got play from the leg,

i will get my mate to have alook on tuesday!!

see what he thinks!!

i hope its not the rack, cos i really cant afford it, lol!

feels a bit better driving today!!

seems when ya let go of the wheel, it veers off to the right, with the wheel dropping to the right,

but doesnt seems as it has been!!

these bloody cars,

i do sometimes miss the mini, ya could just ignore a problem on them, lol :nuts:

but ive really started enjoying the rado of late!!

even with the problems!!

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ok, got me mate to have a look, he's sure its the rack!!

bugger, lol

i dont suppose you still have your rack do ya piper???

will it fit my car??

cos from what i can find out the rack is bloody expensive new!!

how much would ya want for it???

cheers all for your help though!!

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