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Roger Blassberg

Wiring to Cam Position Sensor

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I have discovered that the black/yellow wire from the injector rail wiring loom to the CPS is broken, and must have been so for quite a while; the insulation seems to be burnt and the wires were completely broken up. Despite this the car seemed to be running well before I started the chains/clutch job (which is now nearly complete).


Obviously I will re-wire this circuit; what benefits will I see with the CPS doing it's bit?


Best wishes and Happy New Year,



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Obviously I will re-wire this circuit; what benefits will I see with the CPS doing it's bit?


Sequential injection will work again, limp mode turned off, 30hp up, smoother, more economical.

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Yes, but apart from the smoother running and the greater power and the better fuel economy, what has the cam position sensor ever done for us??


But to be serious, I was surprised to find that the wire was apparently overheated (very brittle and broken insulation, oxidised copper strands and a definite break in continuity) despite being tucked away in the injector loom, away from mechanical strain. The surrounding wires are all in good order apart from an adjacent brown earthwire which is similarly damaged. The damaged section extends for about 20cm. from the loom connection towards the multi-pin plug and then down the CPS route. Maybe there was a short circuit sometime in the past which overheated the wires.


Thanks for the response; I now look forward even more to getting the old girl running again.


Best wishes



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Have you got VAG-COM?


When you've replaced the dodgy wire, it might be worth checking the CPS is still with us. He might have died from old age waiting for you to fix the wire :LOl:


£35+vat from VW if I recall, so not too horrendous.

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Roger, cant help with what would have caused the problem but just to say to you that i had something very similar but with my crank sensor wiring which degraded over a year and ended up with the car having a nasty top-end misfire.


Vince spotted the blackened wire when remapping the car and eventually traced it through to the sensor - the other wires seem fine though, despite there being some of them that looked a bit discoloured too, and the problem was cured so i guess just be happy that you spotted it without it disrupting your long term enjoyment of the car!




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Thanks to all for the responses.


Hasan, Thanks for the offer of VAGCOM. I will give you a call once I have FINALLY bolted it all back together and can energise the electrics. And I may even ask for your help with photos etc if I start to get confused about what bolts where (I think I labelled everything properly but there's always a chance that the system has gone wrong somehow....).


Best wishes



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