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Jim Bowen

Broke down.. yet again

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:lol: :lol:


nearing home earlier and put my foot down on a straight bit of road, looked behind and the road was thick with white steam, could see it pouring out from front of car :(


Pulled over and found that the bottom hose had popped off the rad and lost most of my coolant.


Managed to get hose back on and retighted the jubliee clip, managed to drive home v.slowly.


I can only see this has something to do with the jubilee clip as i renewed the entire coolant system not long ago.


Could the cold weather of caused everything to shrink a bit and the clips have became loose? Maybe i should of stuck with the springy standard type ones

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^^^Maybe they can but they are far far better than struggling with those crappey standard spring clips. Maybe you havnt tightened it enough mate.

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the hose all looks fine, i remember at the time i was very careful about how tight i tightened them. Also bought clips with rounded edges and the solid middle bit.


it weird how its happed now, as its been a good 7000miles since i fitted it all

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ive never ever ever had issues with the jubile clips cutting into pipes, when i do my engine conversion (done a fair few in mk1 golfs) i awlays renew the the old vw clips with stainless ones, a good quality jubilee clip you cant go wrong with, either you didnt tighten it properly mate and it came loose or you have pressure issues in the cooling system.


did u tighten it too much and it stripd the thread on the jubilee clip?

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Samcos arnt they much tougher than standard pipes maybe thats why it came loose maybe worth getting a new spring clip as said above they are more secure than a jubilee!

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I have heard other people say the samcos need more force on the clips as they are less flexible than OE.


FWIW the VW clips are dead easy to attach/remove - if you have the right tool ...

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