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ABS removal

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Is it possible to remove the ABS system from my c'?, it hardly ever works anyway and the early c's didn't come with it so i wondered whether it would be ok.

do i need the master cylinder from an early valver or can i adapt mine?

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Think there is some issue with removing the abs system and passing mots. If the records show you have it, it has to have it. Not sure how stringently they look for it but they will check for the light. Think its the same for cruuuuuz control.

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Think there is some issue with removing the abs system and passing mots. If the records show you have it, it has to have it. Not sure how stringently they look for it but they will check for the light. Think its the same for cruuuuuz control.


Remove the ABS warning light bulb?

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Think there is some issue with removing the abs system and passing mots. If the records show you have it, it has to have it. Not sure how stringently they look for it but they will check for the light. Think its the same for cruuuuuz control.


Remove the ABS warning light bulb and everything's fine, these aren't the driods you're looking for?

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MOT testers would be able to spot the ABS sensor cabling in the engine bay (attached to the top of the front strut towers) so you're going to want to remove those as well.

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so what exactly can be removed?


and how?


surely them plumbing would have to be different if you removed the abs pump?


It wouldn't just be a case of simply taking things off.

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12 Deg Ben is right about this. If you remove the ABS you are likely to hit trouble when you try and MOT it as the new systems indicate where ABS should be fitted to a car, and so it's not as simple as 'if it's not fitted, they can't fail me'. You may find a friendly MOT station who will let the car through, but I'm pretty sure the changes to the test brought in 12-18 months ago will make this pretty challenging.


In any event I don't understand why would you want to ditch the ABS? Why would you want to have the car lock up when you hit the brakes in an emergency? Rather you than me !

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Remove the ABS warning light bulb?


This would be a fail. The tester needs to see the light on then switch off to pass.

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Had my VR for nine years now, ABS was unreliable for around the first three years and non-existent ever since...................not failed and MOT yet :norty:

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12 Deg Ben is right about this. If you remove the ABS you are likely to hit trouble when you try and MOT it as the new systems indicate where ABS should be fitted to a car, and so it's not as simple as 'if it's not fitted, they can't fail me'. You may find a friendly MOT station who will let the car through, but I'm pretty sure the changes to the test brought in 12-18 months ago will make this pretty challenging.


In any event I don't understand why would you want to ditch the ABS? Why would you want to have the car lock up when you hit the brakes in an emergency? Rather you than me !


With regards to MOT all that comes into is weather the light functions, If its missing from the car then they cant fail it, if you tape it over thats fine (mot man isnt allowed to pull tape off of things to see whats under same can also be done fro the pump if you worried stick a bag over it)


I have removed the pump from mine for the simple reason its a crap abs system and was in the way for another job I was going to under take.


All I changed was the resivoir on the master cylinder and one of the front to rear hoses as it has a larger size thread on the end (many manufacture do this to help identify different lines) added 2 T-peices and about 18inches of copper pipe


If you just pull the fuse or unplug the ecu the car will have just the same brakes as if you remove the pump.


Hope this helps


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