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hi all bit annoyed yesturday found out my car isnt true ........


started looking at other peoples cars with out the rubbing strips and thought hey ho that might look ok so off to it i went started in the morning on the drivers side gently prizing off the strips phew they all came off, then went to the passengers sid ! bummer the door one came off really easy but with a bang its had filler work on the rear of the door and quarter and yes you guessed it ive now got bare metal!!!!1 :epicfail: its pulled off the filler and paint too.


really pi$$ed off about this as the bloke i got it off said it was true just really ticks me off now ive got to go around looking like a nova full of filler!


ohh well better start saaving for some paint work :(


just thought id let ya know lol


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It happens I guess. Bear in mind that even the youngest Corrado is going to be like 14 years old now. The chances are that they're going to have seen some careless motoring in their time so a bit of paintwork is inevitable.


I wouldn't be bothered about a bit of filler on the door provided it hadn't been in anything serious!

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When i got my raddo bk home I then found out (from a fellow member on here who kindly done a hpi) it was a cat 'd' :confused4: But i still love the car to bits.. :)

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yeh i see what your saying i just dont get how people can have no care or regard to wards any sort of car besides a corrado ive touched it in for now but i took a magnet to the rear arch and nothing at all lol its all filler done a half decent job though ive got to spend the rest of the day taking off the glue from the strips boringggggg lol

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That must have been a nasty surprise :(


However if it is just some light filler then it was probably nothing more than a nasty scrape.

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Mate, don't be too disheartened. It always looks worse when it's your car but when I saw it this afternoon it didn't look all that bad. Like I said, my car needs paint too! And I wouldn't be at all surprised to find filler on mine. Maybe we should both buy Dan a few drinks and get him to respray our cars! :lol:

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