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Danny Ess

what am i to expect from a g60?

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right i dont really want people telling me they (or any other corrado) will break down all the time, il spend most of my time fixing it etc, i just want some ideas of what they're like. My last 2 cars were a 1.6 mk2 driver and then a 1.6 mk1 gti which were both mechanically sound and didnt cause too much trouble, were quite easy to work on if something went wrong and no strange parts to them.


now this brings me onto the g60. Obviouslyi have never had a car with a supercharger so i just want to know do i have to do anything from the normal to keep that happy and just general maintenance of the engine? obviously a service etc but more to do with the charger. I dont have much clue about how to look after one. these sound like totally stupid questions but just want to know really. :shrug:

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:sleeping: What a totally bunch of stupid Qu's :lol: If your set on a G60.........fine, but make sure the G-Lader has been serviced or allow that in your price..circa.£400/£500 G-Werks is your destination to make sure the charger is sound :wave: plenty of info in the search engine, personally, I'd get a VR 8)

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Hi Mate,


Things to watch for on the G60 are the charger obviously, you want to see the cert from the last rebuild and if it needs a rebuild factor that in to the price of the car as from G-werks its £380ish (best check with them) to get it done. Also check that the Crank bolt has been changed for a Mk1 DX bolt as the originals can work loose or snap if thay have been removed and refitted! the most important thing is to make sure its had regular oil changes (with decent oil!) and that the current owner has looked after it, I picked up a bit of a shed and its taken me nearly 2 years to get it back to how it should be from years of abuse :-( although having said that its only let me down once and was my daily to work for all that time 8)


I think the only thing the VR has over the G60 is the late dash and trim, have driven a few vr's including Goldie's Storm but they just dont do it for me :roll: anyway they are some real gems about at the moment so take your time and pick a well looked after example and you will be hooked the first time you drive One, and the soundtrack when you floor it is just amazing! 8)





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To be honest its more an issue of finding a good solid Corrado these days so all of the points apply, no doubt it will have been through several alarm 'fitters' so have the fusebox cover off and have a look and see how bad a job they no doubt did, make sure the heater blower works ok and doesnt smell of fustyness (yes that is a word :p) if does then your heater matrix is sat is decomposing leaves..


Have a good look at the underneath, pay attention to the fuel filler neck (take the metal ring out and pull the rubber backing out to get a good look), bottoms of the arches are starting to show on a good few cars, front and rear bumper metalwork will probably have some surface rust on them. Radiator support panel/air guide down the front, if you can get one with no holes in it then you have done well.


Interior, the balance has now tipped in favour of new parts Vs obsolete parts, there are now more bits you can't get than you can get. Early switchgear is shared with the passat so if you can find one in a scrappy they are a good source for bits.


Aftermarket parts are becoming harder to source, noticeably performance exhausts for early (pre 92) cars, its only really Jetex that now do a full system. There are still some suppliers making new bits, notably BBM who are in the process of tooling up for new charger scrolls, but once again a peak has been reached with this. If you want more 'go' then the G60 is easy to tune to VR power levels for around £500, just expect to be rebuilding your charger more often.


Big problem with the G60s is underbonnet temps and the impact that has on the wiring loom, the looms are not great anyway, there have been quite a few cases of overfuelling G's and there appears to be no easy solution - especially when an underperforming alternator makes it go rich :bad-words: . Make sure you do regular oil changes and only use a genuine VAG filter, this is the same oil that supplies the charger and it's critical its of good quality to ensure long engine and charger life.


Aside from that its personal preference purely in terms of handling from 4 to 6 cylinder and early to late interiors, the early interior switchgear is half the price of the later stuff and the heater controls in the early cars both illuminate evenly and are a lot more reliable.

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