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Brawn vs ferrari.... 1-0 1-0, 1-0, 1-0!

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Before redesigning thier car Ferrari would be better advised to

a) Think to send Massa out when he's 11th and 'on the bubble' during Qualifying

b) Not put rain tyres on Raikonnen's car when it isn't raining.

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There seems to be some Ferrari bashing going on here, they weren't the only team to appeal you know, i am glad the result went Brawns way though i hope Button does well, don't forget when Ross was at Ferrari how many rule pushing things they used to try, i belive they thought of the flexi wing which is on the cars this season, and those wheel disc things that all the other car now have, (i miss the glowing brake discs), any way lets not forget the real cheats, aren't they up before the judge soon, :nono:

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There seems to be some Ferrari bashing going on here, they weren't the only team to appeal you know, i am glad the result went Brawns way though i hope Button does well, don't forget when Ross was at Ferrari how many rule pushing things they used to try, i belive they thought of the flexi wing which is on the cars this season, and those wheel disc things that all the other car now have, (i miss the glowing brake discs), any way lets not forget the real cheats, aren't they up before the judge soon, :nono:


Despite not having read the entire pitch from all of the teams that were appealing against the 'diffuser 3' I think that Ferrari are getting the most hassle from the situation in no small part thanks to the arogance of their pitch to the FIA.

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I think the right decision has been reached today. To be honest I can't believe Ferrari et al didn't exploit the same "loophole" that the teams with the disputed diffuser have. Ferrari must have known about this particular diffuser type before the start of the season, but have still used a gearbox to which they are unable to retrofit that particular shape diffuser. Seems very shortsighted on their part.


Anyway, the debate will probably rage on for many weeks yet. All i can say is that common sense has prevailed. Too much F1 in recent years has been decided off the track and not on it. It's also refreshing to see other teams doing well instead of the usual suspects.



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I think Ferrari seem to struggle more then they used to when Schumacher :notworthy: , Brawn and Todt where in charge (oh the good old days)

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Not Ferrari bashing as such, lets remember that Red Bull were the first above the parapets, and I said then that this will have been prompted by their engine and gearbox suppliers one of which was... Ferrari...


Lets also NOT forget which team spent so much time in and out of court since the Triumvate were broken up?


I just hate the way that they have tried to smear Bawn's name through court (and who did he work for again before retiring?)


I'm sure if they had thought of it first this whole situation wouldn't have happened...


I used to like Ferrari in the Triumvate years, but in the past 2-3 they have turned into the "Dummy-throwers" of the paddock... Plus lets not forget that they also appear to us outside as the "Favoured" team with Bernie and :hitler: Max


Lets hope that the season's decided on the track and not the courts... again

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Lets hope that the season's decided on the track and not the courts... again


Thats all I'm hoping. Last season was, apart from the stewards thwarting Hamilton at every opportunity, probably the most entertaining I've ever seen.


Just hope this season puts this argument behind it and produces the same level of drama as last season did.


If it keeps up, I think people will be turning off by the thousand.

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I think Ferrari seem to struggle more then they used to when Schumacher :notworthy: , Brawn and Todt where in charge (oh the good old days)


They did well back then because Schumacher used to drive the opposition off the road :lol: :wink:


And less of the Mclaren bashing :bad-words: :tongue:




Its only 2 races in, Mclaren and probably other lagging teams have put some new goodies on their cars for China, its only the 3rd race, still along way to go and plenty of time for others to catch up. Though without testing allowed progression could be slow.

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Schumacher/Brawn years were fantastic for Ferrari.


Schumacher/Brawn years for the watching public :sleeping:

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Well, he denies it totally, apparently its just "coincidence". Ha, yeah right. That is pure weapons grade Baloneyum. I can't say I blame him though, he's not Mr Popular around the boardroom and the past few years must have taken it out of his spirit. MW seems more than capable of taking over and he always comes across more diplomatic than Ron in interviews, so it may be a good thing for the McLaren/FIA relationship.

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