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ZR or VR rated tyres

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Waste of money or not?


This is more for those of us running standard Speedlines / Solitudes or that size. When I bought my VR6 it was running VR's on the back and ZR Toyo's on the front. Over the last 18months I have carried this on. (V.expensive Michelin's and then Goodyear F1's at £85 each) I know a bit about the speed ratings (v up to 149mph etc). But is there more to it? load, tread wear or side wall strength and handling. Or am I just throwing money away? Any thoughts on this welcome.


By the way http://www.mytyres.net does the 205/50/ZR15 F1's at £85 but Toyo T1-S with a v rate at only £46 each including P&P to your door. Plus £10ish for fitting, valve and balance at a garage. No local garage could come close to these prices.


Thanks in advance

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Well seeing as V rated tyres are not suitable for cars that can do any more than 150MPH (which the Corrado VR6 can do at a stretch), then I would suggest you go for a higher rating.


Z rated is perhaps a little overkill (190MPH anyone) but its better than cutting it closed with the V rated tyres.


Of course its highly likely you will never do 150MPH in your Corrado.. but if you ARE a bit of a speed demon, then get the higher rated tyres.

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tbh.........and slightly disagreeing with jim :wink: .......i would just keep to using VR-rated tyres.......afterall VW were happy enough to fit that rating in the first place..........and its going to be very unlikely that you'll ever get to speeds of 150mph+ with a standard C VR :wink:

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ZR is the "old" naming standard. This was meant to describe tyres suitable for "150mph +". There are now sub-bands V, W and Y ratings to indicate greater performance.

Oh, and you can get Eagle F1s for less than £85 each. The last pair I bought cost me £132 the pair, fitted and balanced.

As far as I know, the load carrying ability of the tyre is pretty much decided by the dimension - i.e. 205/50/15. The 86 figure is the maximum weight it can carry. I think 86 means 860 kilos.


Take a look at the following for goodyear tyres, specifically, but it lists all the speed ratings:


http://www.goodyear.co.uk/services/tyre ... ewCar.html

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Fair enough Roddy.. to be honest I wasn't totally sure so I googled for tyre speed rating charts and tried to make a decision based on that.


I'd rather someone made a bit more of an informed post about this as I didn't really have a clue :(

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Z is completely overkill unless you've got a Supercharger.....and use it flat out regularly on the Autobahn.


Save some money and go with the Vs as Roddy said. How often do you drive faster than 140?


In answer to your question about higher speed upgrades, AFAIK, Z gets Kevlar beading and stronger sidewalls....V doesn't!


BTW, F1s are now W rated on 205x50x15 (170mph I think?)



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When they say 150mph max, i would imagine there is some kind of safety factor that they work to. You could probably do 160-170 mph on v rated tyres but they mark it down a bit to be 100% safe??

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Sure, the "max" is a guideline, and is well within the safety limits of the tyre, but bear in mind that simply *travelling* at 170 may be fine, but what happens when you come to put your foot on the brakes or go round a corner?! Yep, you guessed it, you just exceeded the design limits of the tyres...

Just an example... :)

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Sure, the "max" is a guideline, and is well within the safety limits of the tyre, but bear in mind that simply *travelling* at 170 may be fine, but what happens when you come to put your foot on the brakes or go round a corner?! Yep, you guessed it, you just exceeded the design limits of the tyres...

Just an example... :)


I think the speed rating is the maximum continuous cruise speed. Popping up to 170mph on a V rated tyre for a short spell shouldn't hurt....but maintain that speed for hours on the Autobahn, and then as Matt said, approach a bend or junction with all that extra absorbed heat it's not supposed to have..... and it'll probably just collapse like a sponge cake.


This is why HGV tyres keep imploding and littering the hard shoulders.....they exceed the speed and weight ratings....or they use remoulds!



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Local place in Reading. I couldn't tell you where they got them from.

I also couldn't recommend them at the moment!! :(

I've discovered that a) they overinflated one of the tyres to 45 psi, b) they left the valve cap off, c) they didn't fully tighten the wheel bolts.

Which is annoying, because they've always been quite professional before..





I had similar quotes from several local places, but Kwik Fit quoted like £112 a tyre or something ridiculous!!

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round a corner at 170!!!!!

don't think i would spend the extra as i am never going to use it.

Just my 2p

ps i think this may have been discussed before and whether your c was actually doing 150mph when it said it was posed questions also.

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ps i think this may have been discussed before and whether your c was actually doing 150mph when it said it was posed questions also.


I don't think 150 is too far fetched, considering the VR6 book speed is 146! I've done 145 in mine and it certainly felt like it!



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