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Josh Waddi

Drunk Driver crashed into my C

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Theres gonna be another C ready for scrapping very soon, some drunk lady crashed into me whilst i was waiting at a se of lights. she even got away but luckily i got her reg and she is insured. Mines gotta be a write off (which i will keep) and then hopefully sell bits and pieces. Im really gutted as i only got a full stainless fitted a month or so ago. gonna be looking to buy another one too hopefully.

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Sucks :(


If you like, we can send the Toad round to do things to her pet spaniel with a chorizo that would make your eyes water ... ?

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Sucks :(


If you like, we can send the Toad round to do things to her pet spaniel with a chorizo that would make your eyes water ... ?


Though he had a banning orsder on Chorizo/spaniels??? :lol:


Mate bad news though... on the upside if you have her details and witnesses then it's her Insurance Co you're claiming off... and they have an obligation to put your car back to pre-accident condition, I believe they can't write it off legally...

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Sucks :(


If you like, we can send the Toad round to do things to her pet spaniel with a chorizo that would make your eyes water ... ?


Though he had a banning orsder on Chorizo/spaniels??? :lol:


Mate bad news though... on the upside if you have her details and witnesses then it's her Insurance Co you're claiming off... and they have an obligation to put your car back to pre-accident condition, I believe they can't write it off legally...


This is true... You can demand that they rebuild your car to precrash condition.... And keep insisting/sending back to grage/not accepting car as fixed until YOU are happy...


Make em fix the C back to original :-)


Also, remember the late onset of whiplash and inability to work/loss of future earnings, requirement to take taxis everwhere for next 6m an the sudden fear of being i a car/panic attacks... Bascially sue her for everythingyou can....

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Also, remember the late onset of whiplash and inability to work/loss of future earnings, requirement to take taxis everwhere for next 6m an the sudden fear of being i a car/panic attacks... Bascially sue her for everythingyou can....


I would normally disagree with this sort of statement...this is the reason we have massive policy costs these days... but seeing as she drove off... DO IT!

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That's a damn shame, i'd hate to see my C damaged!


Don't mean to sound like a vulture, but where are you based? 8)

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Im not usually one for saying this because i f'in hate people that scam by saying "i have whiplash" or "loss of earnings" when they live 5 seconds from their keyboard job but i would ring her dry. no.1 she was drunk which deserves a good beating anyway and no.2 she crashed into your car and then drove off!!!


just think if it was a parked car she hit and then drove off how gutted you would be

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What .... so effectively we all end up paying for her mistake? While I sympathise with the bloke,, it's nothing more than fraud.

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damn thats bad luck! you must be gutted... only let them write it off if you feel that it will never be the same again :(


Were the police involved? Is she going to be banned?

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What .... so effectively we all end up paying for her mistake? While I sympathise with the bloke,, it's nothing more than fraud.


Yup. People making extravogant claims are the reason why a lot of the insurance policies are so expensive...

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Gutted! Hope you get things sorted easily! :pale:


How did you find out that she was drunk if she left the scene?

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What .... so effectively we all end up paying for her mistake? While I sympathise with the bloke,, it's nothing more than fraud.


either way insurance companies are going to wreak the benefit and everyone will pay for everyones mistakes but i've paid over £3k on what can only be called 'peace of mind', i think if i did have some arse wreck my car id want my car putting back to new and the insurance company can have an endless bill if needs be. I don't agree with whiplash claims like i said, i think its crap and people need shooting but this women needs it kicking into her she shouldn't drink and drive

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I totally agree with getting his car repaired but unfortunately insurance never actually works the way it's supposed to!


My point was about false whiplash claims.

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Having been the passenger in a multiple car pile up (not 'my' cars drivers fault) with 2 deaths in the 6 cars involved, and suffering whiplash from it, I have no problem at all with compensation being paid as a result of personal injury. It was years ago, when I was still in my 20's, but by God did I ache for weeks after and whenever I had a cold or got too cold and tired. £1,500 was cheap (15+ years ago) as far as I am concerned but payments are probably larger now.. and in my view rightly so.


I agree that the false compensation culture is not helping in the price of insurance etc but for anyone who has been through the experiance I am sure they would age that you have to fight tooth and nail to get anywhere near your costs covered. It's not a simple matter of making up some fabricated expenses let alone the referals to doctors to be poked and prodded (... yes, ooh eerrr...) for months after that means taking time off work for the appointments.



But, back on topic..... sorry to hear that. Hope you get things sorted quickly and that you are not out of pocket and suitably recompensed for any pain and suffering experienced.

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Gutted! Hope you get things sorted easily! :pale:


How did you find out that she was drunk if she left the scene?


That point intrigues me too. If she is a drink driver, I hope they show the book at her


I hope that the car does get sorted if mechanically possible.


I still suffer from a neck injury from a car crash (passenger) in 1992

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Thanks for the comments people.


For the vultures out there im based in Bolton.


Luckily i work for an insurance company dealing with motor claims so im pretty clued up on how things work, there was a witness who advised the driver was definatly drunk and she got the reg less the last letter so i wizzed down to my work the day after to do some searching and find the bugger, not long after i found all thier details but as they didnt stop at the scene no one will give me a replacement until liability has been agreed.


As far as injuries go i was actually sore for a day or so, it was a 306 estate so its got some weight behind it, but i am going to claim for injuries and as she didnt stop im going to milk it as much as i can, i soppose if she stopped and was a half decent human being my thoughts on this would be a lot different.


It was reported to the police the same night as i was advised i would get a call back within 24 hours, over 78 hours later i call them back to see whats going on, and yet again i was advised i will get a call back, if anything the police have been the worst to take action from this accident. :brickwall:


Hopefully it will all be sorted soon enough, im still positive it will be written off but as many people have said this is the last thing i want. but on a slightly positive side im thinking of going for the G60 next time.

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To be fair the Police should eb all over it, as she fled the scene. I've got to be honest I'm pretty disgusted they haven't done anything yet, you've even got a witness, so it's not just her word against yours. That sort of thing makes me :bad-words:


Anyway, gutted for you matey, and if you are feeling discomfort following the accident, then you should definitely put a claim in, it's not as if it is fabricated, is it!

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insurance only covers for financial loss, so they only have to put you in the same financial position you were in before the claim. hence if you have a car with a value of £1000 they don't have to pay repair costs if replacement is cheaper..

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The fault drivers insurers have been on offering me a pre accident value, which obviously confrims it has been written off. he offered me £800 due to the HIGH milage and the RETAIL value. :lol: He was politely advised the vehicle has averaged 10,000 miles a year which is definatly not high and there is no such thing as a retail value on a vehicle over 10 years old as they dont retail at this age. i told him i am a claims handler and i know my shizzle and to bugger off and come back with a respectable offer. :wave: :p

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My point was about false whiplash claims.

Im of the same view, and was always scathing of anyone who made a claim. But now its happened to me for real; at first I was in denial and wanted to think I'd be ok and I would not be a sponge. However the injuries are real and I agree with the Butterfly dude, Im wanting whatever monies I can get for this daily pain.


I think Josh has got this sorted.


As for hitter her hard because she left the scene, does this not become a matter for the police? Its not a monetary item for josh to claim, its an infringement for the law and possibly a case for a ban for the woman. If she denies it, then what? I presume josh has to claim this loss though the council/highways/something-else?

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