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oil light flashing & beeping around the corners...

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when i give it some beans around a tight long left corner the oil light comes on and starts beeping at me? any ideas? i presume its not a problem? almost like the car is telling me to slow down!

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Maybe because of where the oil pump pick up is in the sump. I can't quite remember where it sits in a VR sump though...

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ok thanks, well i will check the oil and top up if necessary and report back, but when i last looked (which wasnt ages ago!!) there was enough oil in there!


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Are your oil temps high when it happends?

Maybe keep an eye on that too as it could be contributing to your loss of oil pressure.

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no, oil temps werent high i dont think, car hadnt been running for long. it literally beeped for 1 beep if that makes sense and i took my foot off the gas and it stopped.


checked the oil though and it was very low so probabally the casue of the problem. I checked it quite recently and it was fine, but maybe it wasnt as recently as i thought....


Can anyone tell me roughly how frequently a very slighly tuned VR6 would need topping up with oil, and how much oil you would expect to put in? i have no idea! :help:

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The handbook states some ludicrous figure as being 'acceptable' oil consumption (something like 1 litre per 1000 miles) but I'd suggest if you're using as much as that, something isn't right! Have you had a nose around under the bonnet to make sure you're not leaking any oil anywhere..?

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yeah that seems like a lot...have had a look and there doesnt seem to be anything leaking but i will look again properly tomorrow.. ignoring the handbook, how much does everybody else use roughly?

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Had the same problem with my valver, and only when going round corners.... needed oil badly!!


Pretty sure ive got an oil leak but not sure where yet. The car will be off the road for a while soon so ill look into in then.


Hope this helps



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Can anyone tell me roughly how frequently a very slighly tuned VR6 would need topping up with oil, and how much oil you would expect to put in? i have no idea! :help:


depends on so many things, a sedately driven :cuckoo: good condition VR may burn little or none at all in 1000 miles, an old engine with worn valve guides driven hard will burn 1L off in 1000 miles quite easily. Doesn't mean it's at deaths door, in fact burning some oil doesn't do it any harm at all. I'd expect half a litre in 1000 miles to be more normal though.


Like any other car, you should check your oil at least once a week if you drive the car often and at least roughly when you fill up with fuel (every several hundred miles)

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Can anyone tell me roughly how frequently a very slighly tuned VR6 would need topping up with oil, and how much oil you would expect to put in? i have no idea! :help:


depends on so many things, a sedately driven :cuckoo: good condition VR may burn little or none at all in 1000 miles, an old engine with worn valve guides driven hard will burn 1L off in 1000 miles quite easily. Doesn't mean it's at deaths door, in fact burning some oil doesn't do it any harm at all. I'd expect half a litre in 1000 miles to be more normal though.


Like any other car, you should check your oil at least once a week if you drive the car often and at least roughly when you fill up with fuel (every several hundred miles)



ok, thanks very much. sounds like its fine then, just need to be a bit more regular on the checks...

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Oil light coming on going round roundabouts/corners is a classic sign of low oil. My old laguna used to do it. Also used to have a ST24 that burnt oil about 1 litre every 400 miles but did 20000 miles no prob before i Sold it.


If its valve stem seals you will get some blue smoke on start up that will subside when the car warms up. Just check your oil each week to be safe.

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