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Finally, after 5 years...

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...registered on this forum and since I first said I wanted one, I've finally put a deposit down on G60SC_Stoney's Classic Green VR6 :clap: :clap: I'm as happy as a pig in the brown stuff!!


After a month of trawling the internet and freeads for 8v/16v's and finding nothing but dogs I came accross his rather attractive VR6 and decided to spend a bit extra. Although that now means I have two VR6's; should put a few more points on my shell card! :lol:


Bit worried about the chains though; they were done 8000 miles ago by some dodgy Guy going by the name of Toad's Motors? :grin:


Best thing is though that it's already running 263 cams and koni's. So my only expenses so far will be a few trim bits and a bloody good service! :salute: Plans are to change nothing (except whats broken) and keep it as original as possible :salute:


I'm due to collect it Saturday evening and then will be at Stoner Park with it on the Sunday so see some of you then!

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.............. So my only expenses so far will be a few trim bits and a bloody good service!..................

That's a rather brave statement :cuckoo:


Congratulations on a nice looking purchase anyway :grin:

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.............. So my only expenses so far will be a few trim bits and a bloody good service!..................

That's a rather brave statement :cuckoo:


Congratulations on a nice looking purchase anyway :grin:


Yeah, trim bits are a right pain to get hold of these days!! :D

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Well, my shopping list already totals £500+ :lol: Thankfully all the bits I need aren't obselete (with the exception of the beige trim than goes around the gearlever gaitor). Mechanically the car is sweet, it's just stupid trims bits that are broken or missing :D


BTW, thanks to Supercharged for coming with me to view it :salute:

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Bit worried about the chains though; they were done 8000 miles ago by some dodgy Guy going by the name of Toad's Motors? :grin:




Run away!


There is a thread somewhere of the work being done... I'll try to find it. Oh, and good work on the purchase, it's a nice car :)


Edit, here's the thread, but the pictures have been deleted :(

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Looks good matey!


I might have a spare beige gear surround knocking around somewhere if you're struggling to get one. Can't promise anything though as I have bits all over the show!

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Superb looking car mate - absolute steal for £2.3k - wish I'd gone and bought it myself!!

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Superb looking car mate - absolute steal for £2.3k - wish I'd gone and bought it myself!!


The cheeky fecker didn't even pay that much!

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Finally, The Rock has come back to Nelson. Looks like you got a belter there matey!

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