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Does anyone know the whereabouts of my old Rado?

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...Dk burgundy - H plate 16v?


As pictured below, I sold it to a chap off this forum from West mids.


The Reg plate read HxxxFPV (obviously the x's disguising the numbers)


Reason I ask? I have always regretted selling the car as there was nothing wrong with it and at the time I got desperate for the money and sold it for a bargain price and really shouldn't have!

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i bought it about 6 months ago from a guy near birmingham.. but wrote it off within a couple of weeks :(

only kidding,

sorry! :lol:

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bristolbaron - I almost believed you! LOL


The paintwork was completely original, it had some imperfections but really it was about as good as a H plate gets! very good condition, the only rust was a scab on the rear arch and a slight bubble on the front arch.

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Was in the same boat as you a little while ago. Needed cash so car went. Just seen it on ebay, I do miss L666 DUB :(

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