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battery drain

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i own a 92 k reg corrado, my problem is that my battery goes flat after 24 hours if i dont start/drive the car. i recently replaced the battery to a new bosch and upgraded, to a more powerful 90 amp alternator the problem still continues. i have an aftermarket alarm fitted i also have a stereo. would anyone out there have any ideas what the problem is and how to rectify it, thanks in advance charles.






Mod Edit: Please don't shout :) Thx VR6

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same thing happened to me. i took it to vw and they thought it was the alarm (i have an aftermarket alarm and stereo also), but it turned out it was the 'secondary water pump' (you should only need this is hot weather). If you can find the pump, just disconnect the wiring to it, and see what happens. This might not be the problem though. I can post a picture if you're not sure where in the engine bay the pump is.



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still cant find the battery drain problem. its not the glove compartment light or the boot light. does anyone have any more ideas.

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I would do some basic checks with a multimeter....


With the engine running, ensure the battery is receiving around 13.8 to 14.4V from the alternator. Might also be worth checking the current draw when the engine is switched off. If it's over a couple of amps, something is drawing too much.



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get a good multimeter an conect in in series with thebattery earth strap and the earth post. lock the car and observe the current draw after 5 mins. A nominal value should be around 0.05 amps. If it is more than this you have an excessive draw. To try and determine which ircuit is causing the draw pull the fuses out one at a time while watching the meter. If the draw drops then you have found which circuit it is. if you still cant find it pull out the realays one at a time and observe. Next disconnect big components one at a time. Starter,Alternator,wiper motor, ecu, stereo, alarm.locking pump. Its more likely to be a component faulty rather than the wiring . I hope this gives you some help.



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