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Hello Fellow Dubbers!


Need advice on what sort of coilys to get


what brand rather.....


I am a student on a budget :(

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Make a wanted thread and see what people have got. You can pick up a decent set for a budget amount rather than buying a cheaper set new.

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i am no pro, but i think i can anticipate the response this thread will get..firstly the search will be very helpful as it is a much discussed topic..however in summary it is highly recommended to do it 'properly' the first time round (coming from personal experience)


There are loads of budget makes about that will probabally set you back around the £300-£350 mark, but you get what you pay for...however something like the KW V1s are rated very highly on this forum i believe (i am yet to try them but will hopefully be doing so soon, or maybe V2s or 3s) and they set you back £650 odd i think, some pop up on the forum new for £500 odd every now and again...well worth saving a few hundred extra quid and getting something decent.


I went down the second hand coilover route and regretted it immediately, FK Konigsports to be exact and they were old and pants, complete rubbish, they lasted about a few months and i bought some Weitec Springs and shocks to replace them whilst i save up for decent coilovers..the money spent on the 2 sets of suspension would have gone nicely towards what i really wanted..not to say though that a decent set of second hand coilovers is not an option, so long as they were low mileage


I know im ranting, and if you really want it done now and on a budget then it is do-able, but if it can wait, save my good man and get some nice new KWs or Weitecs...just my opinion though..

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I have KW V1's on mine... Cost £610 plus another £100 odd in new upper mounts etc and then another £80 odd for the 4 wheel alignment... Not cheap but definitely worth the cost... I use the car daily and can't see the point in having a crap ride and ruining the drive for the sake of a few hundred quid!!


Only problems I have with the set up are that the ride is a bit choppy over bad back lanes and I catch the speedbump into work if I go over too quick!

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i am no pro, but i think i can anticipate the response this thread will get..firstly the search will be very helpful as it is a much discussed topic...


Not only much discussed, its so popular it has its own discussion thread dedicated to the subject, and commonly people give feedback on what they've bought. Somewhat confusing maybe.


When you say coilover, you mean you want adjustable? .... why?

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