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g0ldf1ng3r's VR6

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well it would seem that though the valver has nice bright lights the beam unfortunately can not be adjusted as the fecking adjusters are broken both sides


£300 for a replacement headlight form Heritage WTF!!!!!


fortunately stuarttaylor on here had some with broken tabs but adjusters are said to be ok


donor lights arrived this morning, thanks stuart, now to start to look how to rebuild the 2 sets together to make a working set


any hints or tips anyone?

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I hadn't just forked out on nice new reflectors like you but I was a bit peeved all the same when I came to adjust mine, and one of them just crumbled away.

I managed to bond the parts back together luckily, and I'd suggest that if anyone is lucky enough to be able to adjust them now, make sure its a regular service routine of putting some copper slip on the threads. That is if you have the minerals to attempt to move them anyway!!!

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Rebuilt loads of 'raddo headlamos chimps..

First off, don't even attempt to remove the plastic beam adjusters, you could litrally just flick the buggers and they'crumble. Spray wd40 onto the orings then try and remove them, don't turn the sods the wrong way, they WILL break..

I find the best way of getting them out is by removing the lens then flicking off the plastic holder that snaps into the reflector lens, that way you can then soak the fekkers from both sides.

I have no idea what kind of plastic was used but god if it's $hit.

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You got any pics of the part that needs sorting?


not yet Neale - the current broken adjuster lights are still in the valver


I am hoping to begin on them this weekend after getting as much advice as I can on here first


i haven't got a plan as such yet as i want to inspect the donor's first. if the reflectors & glass are ok in the donors, which i believe they are thanks to stuart, i may be able to get away with just swapping the outer black plastic with the securing tabs off my current ones.


rather than take them all fully apart as one of my current lenses has a crack....which funnily enough was something i had put there when i first owned the car & was still there when i brought it back lol

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Veedubbed & sean82l - thank you for your posts & advice, i will most certainly heed it all :)


i am hoping the Bentley manual will show me an exploded diagram of how the parts assemble to make a headlight unit & crossing fingers i might get away with a quick fix


oh dear have i shot myself in the foot with that last sentence lol

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ahhh poop!


another job now on the list as took the valver out on Saturday & my blower motor abruptly stopped :(


well, it was kind of weak anyhow, but a bonus as the new replacement arrived yesterday & was a few £'s cheaper than when I got one for the VR last year


im hoping for this warm winter weather over the festivities so I can get the lights done & the blower motor. it needs a damn good clean & T cut too!!

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http://Www.tndparts.com . Maybe some use to you Goldy. They have the adjusters . I only had a quick look as I'm at work . Could be worth a look mate . I was lucky with mine , it crumbled as soon as I touched it , but I used mitre bond to put it back together.

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http://Www.tndparts.com . Maybe some use to you Goldy. They have the adjusters . I only had a quick look as I'm at work . Could be worth a look mate . I was lucky with mine , it crumbled as soon as I touched it , but I used mitre bond to put it back together.


thanks Rob, good info & I appreciate your input - am on it like sonic


arrgghh the linky no worky m8. says page not found - what is the company name pls?


oooo hold on....I think it should be tdnparts.com (apologies as I am looking as I am typing lol) - yup that is them! thanks Rob I had seen the metal adjusters on there thanks to another forum member directing me to then but they are rather pricey


thus my plan is to attempt to either:


1 - check the adjuster operate ok on the donor lights & if so fix the broken tabs & then fit them to the valver, as they are meant to be in good condition with exception of the broken tabs. whereas the current passenger light has a crack in it. or


2 - completely strip both set of lights. asses & tart up the best components from each & hopefully build 1 very good set to then reinstall


if either of the above fail - which I am prepared for as I have read how brittle the mechanisms are & also tricky to get out - then it will be a case of either those metal ones or I also found replacement manual adjuster parts here http://www.arz-tuning.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p2203_Adapter-for-Manual-Headlight-Adjusters---VW-Corrado.html which I think is the part that breaks

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Sorry mate , it wasn't a link , I just memorised it and copied it down on here for you . I'm not much good at links , I must learn how to do them . Good luck with the lights , gently, gently, does it .

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Sorry mate , it wasn't a link , I just memorised it and copied it down on here for you . I'm not much good at links , I must learn how to do them . Good luck with the lights , gently, gently, does it .


don't worry Rob, I appreciated your post :)


links are easy when you know how. just highlight the http://www.blahdeblah.com in the address bar at the top of the web page you are looking at. then right click on the highlighted text & select copy with left mouse button, go to the place you want to show said link & right click & select paste with left mouse button


gently gently indeed I will


softly softly catchy monkey ;) lol

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not much doing with the rado's recently - mainly due to the poor weather & needing to progress refurb work on my house


I did get a solar powered trickle charger from maplin for the valver, as until I fix the headlights it is daytime driving only lol


it seems to work well & given the intermittent use of the valver it is now starting better if it had not been used for a few days


I gave it a quick wash too which made it look really rather nice from 5 to 10 feet away but made me pine for the good weather so I can get to T cutting it back to some kind of life


plus I need to refit the drivers inner door seal - has anyone done this & have any tips?


the VR has had a few moments recently with starting up a little odd & decided to have a strop & misfire most of the way to work one day last week. sent it to the doctor (mechanic lol) for a diagnostic - nothing found but I had asked to check the coil pack & HT leads as this was what cause the gf's storm to misfire when she first had it


coil pack checked & yup cracked - now replaced & misfire under control but the HT leads are tracking. they look like the original leads so at nearly 167K they have done very well


managed to find some magnecor 8mm blue HT's for £119 delivered. I did consider the KV85's but as im more than likely never going to be able to afford to turbo it I went with the aesthetics & got the blue one's to match my roose motorsport hoses :D


oh & yesterday I found the drivers footwell carpet rather wet after all the bloody rain on the weekend. I think it may be the door membrane from what I have read & I could see a little trickle line on the vertical part of the carpet where it goes up to the door opening


has anyone got a picture of how the bottom of the membrane should look when fitted correctly so I can compare when I get the door card off? it was last off a couple of years ago when I fitted the infinity kappa's in the front

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Hi mate , if you type in 'membrane ' in the search it has some really good pics . I think it was Chris L or Darren , who put them up ? Not sure , but it's there anyway . I can't stress enough about the underlay getting wet . This type of material will stay wet for ever if left unchecked .

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Hi mate , if you type in 'membrane ' in the search it has some really good pics . I think it was Chris L or Darren , who put them up ? Not sure , but it's there anyway . I can't stress enough about the underlay getting wet . This type of material will stay wet for ever if left unchecked .


thanks rob I will have a hunt for them


I agree with your sentiment about the underlay! when the foliage cover was incorrectly fitted I had wet passenger carpets for a while as the cover wasn't immediately obvious. I ended up completely removing the underlay on that side as it just wouldn't dry out

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copy of update on what did I do today thread....


got the VR in the air yesterday - holy cow im going to change my route to work!! the KW's & under wheel arch were caked in dirt & crap off the country lanes. thus ensued a messy affair of scraping, knocking, spraying, scrubbing & getting very wet & mucky with back spray from the water hose jet but I got the passenger side done....

before & after....

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it is nice the longer evening are retuning


over the last 2 nights I have been able to complete the coilover clean :)


I am hoping to get the VR's paint sorted soon but the more I think about it the more it makes me nervous due to the amount of work required & finding somewhere that can / will take it on & actually produce a good result.


I have been burnt with paint work previously & my bonnet is truly awful no the micro blisters have started to pop

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Can reccomend a body shop here in Coventry. Wendy had her VR resprayed there just and they did an excellent job, and a friend of mine has his Scirocco MK2 in for a full respray currently. Only down side is that they would probably need it for like 4-5 months as they treat these cars as background jobs, whilst they churn through the day to day insurance stuff.. but they do very good quality work.


I'll be taking my Corrado to them some day.. maybe.. :)

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Can reccomend a body shop here in Coventry. Wendy had her VR resprayed there just and they did an excellent job, and a friend of mine has his Scirocco MK2 in for a full respray currently. Only down side is that they would probably need it for like 4-5 months as they treat these cars as background jobs, whilst they churn through the day to day insurance stuff.. but they do very good quality work.


I'll be taking my Corrado to them some day.. maybe.. :)


thanks Jim, much appreciated


I recall Wendy mentioning her paint work.


time is not too much of an issue as long as they produce an excellent & long lasting result. i have the valver so can use that in the absence of the VR. I am considering trying to find somewhere that guarantee their work


plus I need to check if they would tackle any rust areas & resolve & treat them properly.


& think about glass in or out & how they handle that


I will check my PM's to refresh my mind about if I have spoke to wendy already


EDIT: got the info Jim - i had indeed contacted wendy who helped previously but it was quite a while ago lol

Edited by g0ldf1ng3r

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They can do glass out and rust treatment - I believe Wendy's car had to have a portion of the sill at the front cut out and replaced - I went to see it mid way through, and the work looked completely factory to be honest.

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They can do glass out and rust treatment - I believe Wendy's car had to have a portion of the sill at the front cut out and replaced - I went to see it mid way through, and the work looked completely factory to be honest.


cracking info thanks Jim!!

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VR is in for MOT today - fingers crossed

Good luck mate... fingers crossed do you

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Good luck mate... fingers crossed do you


ha ha ha im in Friday mode already! MOT isn't till tomorrow, ooops lol


it is a fresh batch of plugs, Fuchs Titan race & a good inspection today


damn it, I wish it was Friday now!

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ha ha ha im in Friday mode already! MOT isn't till tomorrow, ooops lol


it is a fresh batch of plugs, Fuchs Titan race & a good inspection today


damn it, I wish it was Friday now!


Everyday is a weekend here.... Busy day today might go for a swim after coffee.


Good luck with mot.

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