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My 24v "2motion" Corrado - Now with video :)

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looks impressive, but cant see the build thread without registering. Can you post anything up here?

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really nice rado!! i have d90s also, but they look mint painted the same, very good work!! looks great!!


we want more pics and info though... :D


im actually getting the guys to put a r32 engine in mine later this year...

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Ok... Here we go from the beginning:


"Not only have I been arsing around with my daily driver, I have actually been doing some work on one of my other motors too following the move over to our unit! I have decided that following the 24v engine purchase the Corrado should take precidence over the mk2 until it is done and on the road, then I only have one thing to concentrate on...


Some of you will remember I purchased this a couple of months ago....




Following removal of the old 12v engine, it now resides a little like this....




But on closer inspection we found this to be a problem....




So following a little trip to automated packaging systems, the front engine mount was cut down by 20mm and the rear one by 10, although we didn't have to touch the gearbox mount. The bonnet clears the inlet now by about 5mm which is more than enough, and sits perfectly. The astute amongst you will have noticed that to fit the engine, it has to have a box.... quite correct! I have used the box off the VR6 with its clutch and flywheel + new release bearing, and appears to work OK. This isn't the only thing to have come from the VR, I had an issue with routing the pipework to the rad, so have used the VR6 thermostat housing, stat and some of the pipework, the thermo mates up quite nicely to the 4mo's crack pipe. The 4mo also uses the front mount bracket from the VR as well as the rear, although again, some adjustment was required on the front one.... I had to use the VR6 oil cooler bolt as its that little bit smaller, and trim some off the front bracket to make it fit. Also whilst on the subject of the front mount, where the starter bolts through to it, there is no hole cast in the 4mo block for the bolt to slide through, so we had to knock up a shim to stop the bracket bending. Im having fun and games at the moment trying to mount the DBW throttle on the stock pedal box... we've made a bracket but it *just* fouls the fusebox bracket, so may need to be moved back a bit. More points of ballache include the following:


* Need to relocate the expansion bottle to the drivers chassis leg as the stock pipework is routed round the back of the inlet

* Need to knock up a feed pipe for the aux water pump as it is mounted on the front of the block on the 4motion

* Possibly relocate the washer bottle to give me a bit more room for the air intake

* I need to have a custom downpipe made as no matter what you try with the stock one, it just don't fit.

* The rear 2 lambda probes need to be wired up, or defeated on the ECU... the probes are £160 EACH from VAG(Ebay it is then)

* Need a custom length ribbed belt as the neither the -AC one for the 4mo or the 12v belt fit correctly.


Besides that lot though, the rest of the VAC and water pipework I have been able to fit by combining both 12v stuff and 24v stuff. The intake sits nicely too, and as Ive moved the expansion bottle, ive got two threaded bosses on that turret I can use to support the MAF. I'll take some decent pics soon too, as my camera is playing up on my phone they are all coming out blurry :unhappy:"

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Oh yeah, added to that I have also swapped the coilovers from the MK2 onto the Corrado.... going to purchase some Weitecs for Dobby once the funds from my decks are cleared! Also, Ive purchased some Porka design 90's... they have been stripped, outers polished and now are under some etch primer flower.gif

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Quick status update... tonight, ive finished the plumbing off besides the expansion tank for obvious reasons. I had to knock up a hose to connect to the aux pump on the front of the block and a coupl eof other bits. Ive routed the loom correctly now too, and connected up 99% of the connectors.... as it stands at the moment, once the fusebox connections are mated back up, and Ive put some oil in her... she *should* run. fingers crossed for the weekend!!

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Mounted up the Bora carbon canister last night in the OEM position, and extended the loom down to reach it. Also relocated the wiring for the washer bottle and expansion tank, and re-routed the vac hoses for the carbon canister etc. Also had to swap the plug for the reverse switch on the shift tower as it was for the Bora, and change the plug for the gearbox speed sensor. We've also fitted the oil pressure switches in the mk4/Bora oil filter housing as I need them to be able to run the stock clocks.


Next on the list of things to do is to move the PAS fluid bottle, and chop the brakcet up for the rad fan control relays to relocate it. Im going to mount the PAS bottle from the same bracket I think so I can run a MK4 airbox behind the battery.


Also ordered the vaccuum "damper" which sits ont he front of the block today too, as well as a correct length drivebelt, some oil, filter, MK4 washer bottle and a few other odds and ends to finish her off. Oh yeah, also picked up the R32 cats from Claire today, so hopefully get them fitted up so we can sort out some kind of downpipe....

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Right so this is how she looked on Saturday afternoon after a little more surgery:






Apologies for the blurriness..... my camera is having a fit still :unhappy:


The only things left to do are to find some rear lambda probes, fit the cats, fab up a downpipe, weld the pedal bracket and fit the pedal box! Anyone any good with bending metal on site?

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Ok, so the pedal box had to be adjusted a little fit the dbw throttle... but its done, welded and now back in the car. Ive also reattached the servo, clutch mc, steering column, and wired in the fusebox! For giggles yesterday, I thought I would see if she cranked... and she does! I also get the correct noises coming from the throttle body where it aligns itself on ignition, which is promising. I thought it might be a good idea to wire up an OBD2 port so I could run the laptop when starting the old girl too.... so Ive half inched a plug from a MK4, wired it up to the appropriate cables( 1 x K-line to ECU, 1 x Ign live and 2 x earth), and my laptop can successfully talk to the ECU!! Result!!


Ive been very much delayed by the exhaust fabrication as A44 have very limited availability at the moment for some reason, and they are the only people I can think of locally to do it.... BUT Storm developments have some shiney 24v conversion 6 branch manifolds in stock at the moment which would do the job perfectly, but are £430 all told, so not cheap.... but the temptation is definitely getting the better of me just to get it done, and the noise should be fantastic!!


Peace out!!

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Right Ive not updated this for a while so following a couple of cans of beer I thought I would write some rubbish for you to have a read of! Basically what ive done sinc ethe last post is..... well pretty much nothing to be honest, well, not strictly true but....


Basically the original plan was for A44 tofinish the exhaust system off so I could get all the lambda's in there and get her fired up. Lovely I thought, so waited around for the Thursday appointment to come round, Wednesday afternoon i get a phonecall... "Sorry Mr Gregory we can't do your exhaust tomorrow as someone is off sick... earliest we can do it is next Friday". Hopping mad at this point(and the guy on the phone bloody well knew about it) I reluctantly agreed to put it off till the following Friday(as theres nowhere local really that would take this on).


So in the meantime I thought I would wire up the diag port properly and locate in the glovebox, and do a few other little odds and sods such as paint the expansion tank bracket.... Also stripped down my Porsche wheels, repolished the outers, primered and painted the centres + refitted the tread :). So, the following Friday rolls along... I tow the car down to A44 in the morning(making me late for work), 4 lambda's, cats and old downpipe in hand and leave it in their(apparently not) capable hands. Phone rings at 11am... "Helo Mr Gregory is Jon from A44, unfortunately we've had another look at your car and cant do the job without spending 2 days arsing around"(not exactly his words but meh).... "oh and its likely to cost 400 quid or more plus the VAT". So, my response was something along the lines of "fork off, Im not paying that much money for you monkeys to make me a poxy downpipe". So, back to the drawing board, and google gives me a lead to C2 motorsports UK, who you probably know do chips etc for the VR6. Phoned the chap up and apparently they do a downpipe which bolts onto the 4mo headers and straigh to the SINGLE vr6 cat! Ideal! They have only made a prototype, so Im having the second one ever made by them delivered next week. The only thing i need to do is bung the stock lambda location in the VR6 cat and redrill + weld 2 lambda bosses at the back of the cat.


Finger crossed for next week then.... I'll keep you posted! :laughing:

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Well, there's been a bit of progress with the old 'raddo over the last week... not masses, just some! Firstly, ive *almost* finished the D90's. They are now fully fitted to the car, with tread, and some shiny nut caps. Ive also painted the calipers black so they look a bit more presentable behind them! As I said before, there was about a fists worth of space under the rear arches when the d90's were fitted due to the ultra skinny tread.... I have resolved this by swapping all the suspension for some FK Highsports which I had originally for the mk2.... took a while to move th bloody spring platforms and paint them up, but was worth it as the car is sat on its ass!!!(I'll take some pics tomorrow). Ive also mounted up the washer bottle, and run the pipe down to it, and removed the old bracket from the other side. Also, Ive finally gotten round to replacing the shoddy stock wiper arms and blades for some Lupo GTI ones. Not only do they look trick(being aero), they also push the blade down much harder, meaning they follow the curve of the screen properly and don't lift off at high speed.


Now, the BIG news is that today, my downpipe came from C2!!! :banana: :banana: Ive got the gaskets and stuff coming into VW tomorrow, so I'll be on the case of sorting the exhaust and possibly firing the old girl up tomorrow!! Wish me luck!! :banana:

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Ah cool , he said it was ready to send out, hope it fits well :banana:


Fitted it last night and is absolutely spot on. Was a bit of a pig to get up there with the engine in situ, but its on! Got to hand it to C2, the fabrication is top notch... tig welds are spot on, and the section where the 2 pipes join to the larger cat section is really nicely made. Also started modding the back of the cat last night to accept the two lambda bosses. Ive had to cut the bosses out of my old 4mo downpipe, trim them down and drill the back of the cat(after the actual catalyst). Just need to weld the bungs on now and fit it, shouldnt take long!! :banana:

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Wellll Ive had a bit of a game the last few days.... firstly, she wouldnt crank(despite having cranked a couple of weeks prior). Checked all the connections, earths etc etc and all OK... so swapped the starter for a newer one I had eirmarked for the MK2, she turned! All good I thought, but looking under the car after a few turns there was a small pool of oil forming... apparently coming from somewhere above the filter housing. Off came the front end, to find that it was coming from where one of the switches screws into the housing. Tried some more PTFE only to find the thread was screwed, and the housing actually cracked :unhappy: Straight on the phone to VW, and a new one turned up in time for Friday. Myself and Dave fitted it with new gaskets, and a T-piece to allow me to connect both pressure switches and the MFA oil temp sensor(there just aint enough holes on the 4mo housing), tried cranking again and all good. Next thing was there was no fuel at the front end, but after arsing around with the rear loom connectors on the fuse box, we got the pump to run. Next on the agenda was that the injectors weren't pulsing, nor the coils firing BUT the throttle was working fine(which im surprised at as its a DBW conversion).... this took some thought and a phonecall to the bloke who made the loom, who thought it was missing a live to that circuit(both the injectors and coilpack are on the same switched live). Having confirmed this with the multimeter I had to trace the wires all the way back to the fuse box, and a bit of jiggling later we had live to the coilpack and spark! Next thing that was at fault was the fuel lines were on the wrong way round(they go the other way to the VR), so switched them and after two turns she fired up!!!




Very quiet and runs lovely!! Bit of finishing now and jobs a goodun!! :laughing:

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Spent Sunday rejigging the cooling system with Tomb to try and simplify and tidy it a bit, which I now thnk we have done successfully, just need to run it up to full operating temp and test the fans now. We have also been cutting off some unnecessary plugs for air con and stuff, and rewrapping most of the loom to tidy it, and I think it looks loads better!




Next up, I need to find a silicon jointer for that carbon pipe, and need to run the battery into the boot to allow me to bring the filter right up behind the light. Also need to bleed the brakes and do a pre MOT inspection and get her MOT'd on Saturday... eeeeek :on2long:

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Cheers mate, i may just need it :laughing: That said, I was convinced DOB wasn't going to pass on something major, as it only failed on a blocked washer!!


I got a jointer for that carbon pipe today from Forge in Gloucester along with some new 3mm vac hose( £5 for 3m - bargain!!). Word of advice, have a look on Forge motorsports website... if you want anything, don't mail order it, pop downto Gloucester and pay cash from the sales desk(the worlds smallest), they will knock the VAT off the price.



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As Ive dragged the air filter down behind the light I had to find somewhere to relocate the battery. As most people do, Ive decided to install the battery in the boot... Ive grabbed a passat R36 cable and run that to the boot, connecting all the main lives at the front with a large 400A jointer, and a separate feed for the starter. All the main earths have also been crimped together at the front and earthed to the chassis leg at the front using the stock clamp bolt too. I also decided to run a dedicated 150A rated cable to the back from the alternator just incase. The battery now resides in the back left hand corner of the boot on a custom(Ford type) clamp which myself and Matt knocked up and seems to do the job stuart.gif


In other news, we've also replaced the GAY vaccuum operated central locking system with a more modern actuator system. I decided to do this mainly becuase the old system was flakey and would choose when it did/didnt want to work... which is no good when you have no front door locks! I didnt relish the thought of climbing in through the boot every time laughing.gif


Hoping to get everything finished up tonight for an MOT tomorrow, which is cutting it a bit fine so we'll see.... as I spent last night doing the cambelt, tensioner, drivebelts, water pump, oil change etc etc on the Passat. If not, it'll have to wait till I get back from holiday! Wish me luck!

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Ok so Ive not updated this for a while(mainly as Ive been on holiday), so not sure where I was last time. Basically over the last week Ive been trying(when I have the time) to get the car ready for it's MOT. I've raised the suspension a bit, fixed the rear brake lights and switch, as the MK4 one goes to the ECU and the lights themselves, refitted the interior, mounted the battery properly, changed the cooling system about a bit, refitted the front end..... but unfortunately we still have a couple of issues. It seems that the battery is not being charged by the alternator unhappy.gif I've yet to test the voltage but I *think* the pulley is spinning but its not turning correctly inside the casing. Another annoying issue which has cropped up is that the temp gauge is flying straight up when you flick the ignition on. Now this apparently is becuase the MK4 cooland temp switch is not compatible with the clocks(why I didnt find this out before I don't know)... so I'm currently trying to rig the VR6 one up and test it.


Probably won't be ready for inters now which I'm GUTTED about, but will be at BVF whether its ready or not getlost.gif

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So its confirmed, the alternator puts out a measly voltage so wont charge the bloody battery!!! Whipped it off to find its almost exactly the same as the VR6 one, bar the pulley.... which Im hopefully getting changed tomorrow. As if things werent bad enough, the f*ckin thread where you stick the bolt in to release the drivebelt tensioner is also f*cked, so matt is currently retapping it for me. This car doesnt want to come back onto the road it seems!!


Also, are 4motion alternators supposed to spin when you turn the car off?.... Seems a little odd to me!! on2long.gif

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Ok so I've re-fitted the new alternator with re-tapped tensioner, also retro-fitted a VR6 temperature sender for the clocks(the mk4 one just didnt work), from the 4 pin plug for the mk4 sender ive move the pins so the ECU actually gets a coolant temp feed now, and tested my fans work ok! Ive currently got a few minor issues.... one being that the lambda's are in the wrong way at the front.... whoops! Secondly the brakes and clutch STILL have air in them, thence why my change in this video is a bit abrupt.... nearly there though!!!!!



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Well, after a few months hard work(with some gaps inbetween, and work on other cars)... she is now officially on the road!!! Last minute for sure, but she sailed through the MOT at about 2PM Friday afternoon, although they kept me hanging for a few hours... lots of running round and manic cleaning and finally got her to the 3 counties showground at about 8PM on Friday evening. Needless to say I'm well chuffed.... gave her a little squeeze on the way home yesterday and the power delivery is fantastic. Very smooth and controlled, unless you stick it in 1st and 2nd, in which case it spins the wheels like mad!! A few pics from the weekend...










:banana: WIN!

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Good work, sump must be close to the hitting the road though.


Yes indeed. I don't run it that low on the road, it's come up about an inch or so for the timebeing. I'm going to be fabricating a metal belly pan to protect it as it's alloy, or of course I could put a steel sump on it from a VR.

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Good work, sump must be close to the hitting the road though.


Yes indeed. I don't run it that low on the road, it's come up about an inch or so for the timebeing. I'm going to be fabricating a metal belly pan to protect it as it's alloy, or of course I could put a steel sump on it from a VR.


Would be interesting to see what the difference is with the 4mo engine as my Mk5 R32's sump actually sits higher than the stock VR one, didn't need any modding of the mounts and bonnet closes perfectly fine :shrug:

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