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why does it happen when u really need her......

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just thought id share....

the joys of corrado ownership, i normally wouldnt mind....they are aging cars blah de blah.....but why is it she seems to let you down when u really need her :censored:

set the scene:

big chill ticket [f***in expensive too] - check

boooze & food - check

tent & etc etc - check

everything ready 4 ealry off in the morning.....&


fuel leak appearing from nowhere, WTF!!!!!!!!!


traced to hose feeding fuel pump & looks easy job but no time to fix, WHY NOW grrrrrrr!!!!


i hate plan B's cause they mean no VR :gag:

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Not helpful - but think its called life !!


Hope you manage to get it sorted get to the Big Chill. :)

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Could have been worse, could have happened tomorrow. I drove a couple of mates down to the Lakes earlier on this year only for my water pump gasket to decide it was going to start weeping coolant. As I'm a tight git I had no recovery cover, so I had to limp home a few hundred miles, keeping it under 2000rpm the whole way and stopping to top up the coolant every now and again. This was torture, not to mention embarrassing.

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funny that i thought it was called SOD'S LAW happened to me 2 weeks ago when had my mot booked at 10 am on the tuesday

everyting was done and ready and thought i would do a quick last minute check and i had no headlights after mucking around with the uprated loom worked out one of the relays had died

by the time i had sourced a new one it was 1030 and i missed my slot so had to wait till friday but at least it passed :D

corrados have a bad habbit of FAILING just when someting important is going to happen and the worst thing there is never any warning

ahhhh the joys of ownership :D

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...and yet I'm still planning on buying a VR in a few weeks :shrug:


Relevent stories

1. Sat on hard shoulder, steam piss'n out've the VR due to Heater Matrix deciding it was his time to shine

2. Having to climb in through boot in full shopping centre car-park as trusty door handles had had enough of 'shock horror'...being opened.

3. As above - the slow crawl at low 2000rpm to next service station to top up the hissing volcano that is the cooling system.


Irrelevent stories


1. Stood in queue waiting to pay for 'go go juice' and looking out at your C and thinking, ''yep, best looking car here too' with a smile.

2. Checking out your cars reflection in high street shop window and thinking, damn, that's really me driving that car.

3. Or just cruising home - singing along to your fav song - feeling all comfy and......

...shit, red warning light comes on :pale:


Oh what the hell....SIGN ME UP!

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where was the fuel dripping from?


i have a fuel leak problem and can't find anything, neither did the local garage.


mine dripped/streams off the lowest point on the rear of the filter, so could be running down a line etc


i find turning car off and on a couple of times and it stops

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Oh yes, the crawling in through the boot experience. Drivers door lock died, large van van parked hard up against passenger side in IKEA car park. I crawled over the back seats, got agonising cramp in my leg, managed to open door from inside and crawled out into the car park and rolled about in agony till the cramp eased, much to the amusement of onlookers. Then the drivers door blew shut! Borrowed a small child from one of the onlookers to do the boot climbing adventure. At least I provided some entertainment for a few people.

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where was the fuel dripping from?


i have a fuel leak problem and can't find anything, neither did the local garage.


mine dripped/streams off the lowest point on the rear of the filter, so could be running down a line etc


i find turning car off and on a couple of times and it stops



it is a wierd 1!!

the leak seems to either be from the pipe wich connect to what i think is the fuel pump......on underside of car close to offside back wheel

thing is that the pipe doesnt seem or feel degraded & i dont know if a C fuel pump can leak fuel when it still works?

plus it doesnt show a leak when engine running but when its stopped & been sat there for say 15 mins there is a tiny bit of fuel on the metal clip holding the pipe in

most odd but i need to investigate

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...and yet I'm still planning on buying a VR in a few weeks :shrug:


Relevent stories

1. Sat on hard shoulder, steam piss'n out've the VR due to Heater Matrix deciding it was his time to shine

2. Having to climb in through boot in full shopping centre car-park as trusty door handles had had enough of 'shock horror'...being opened.

3. As above - the slow crawl at low 2000rpm to next service station to top up the hissing volcano that is the cooling system.


Irrelevent stories


1. Stood in queue waiting to pay for 'go go juice' and looking out at your C and thinking, ''yep, best looking car here too' with a smile.

2. Checking out your cars reflection in high street shop window and thinking, damn, that's really me driving that car.

3. Or just cruising home - singing along to your fav song - feeling all comfy and......

...****, red warning light comes on :pale:


Oh what the hell....SIGN ME UP!


the 2 'irrelevant' points u make are definately some of the rewards we reap for keeping them alive & kicking!!!! :)

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well my last car sounded exactly the same but this one... i have just done 1080 miles from hull to devon and surround area back to hull and it broke down less than 5 miles from home!!! i hate breaking down but its not too expensive fix *touch wood* so im quite impressed

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