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Removing Carbon Canister

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Does anyone know how to do this (apart from the obvious bolts). Do I need to plug the end of the pipes etc?


I was gonna use the space for either a cold air feed or a oil catch tank.



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I wouldn't bother. It can introduce rough running issues on VRs.


rougher than usual? :D


Would I need to plug both the pipes if I did remove it?

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I wouldn't bother. It can introduce rough running issues on VRs.


rougher than usual? :D


Would I need to plug both the pipes if I did remove it?




Dunno, the search will tell you. :)

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I wouldn't bother. It can introduce rough running issues on VRs.


rougher than usual? :D


Would I need to plug both the pipes if I did remove it?




Dunno, the search will tell you. :)


No, they still need to vent to atmosphere. Your car will smell like it has a leak for the first 5 mins of running. Mine has been removed for my charger, but I'm thinking of putting it back on somewhere as I nearly always drive with the window open and it pongs.

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Just to go with option 3, plug one but *not* the petrol tank breather (the clear one?).

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I had this done when I had my G60 to make way for a cold air feed into the bottom of the airbox and the car never smelt of fuel – apart from when the fuel line perished but that’s another story. It make the engine bay quite a bit tidier without all that pumping nonsense everywhere.


The actual breather pipe was plumbed back into airbox if I recall correctly

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Just relocate it! It will fit horizontally under the MAF/air intake. Just cable tie it in place. 5 minute job.

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I really like your smiley face!


I think relocate will be a good overall. I just find it a untidy part of the engine bay. :mad2:

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