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Corrado Prices

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Is it just me or are corrado prices - particularly for the VR - all over the place at the moment ??


There seems to be dozens of +100k miles, not A1 condition VR's on PH for around £4k, and at the same time if you look hard enough on PH and here you could get a sub-100k nice standard c for about £2-£3k. I'm guessing unless you have an absolute minter £4k is too much for a VR - so why bother overpricing your car if you want to sell :scratch:


Was thinking about chopping mine in but just don't know what its worth at the moment...........

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My guess would be as its a market for 2nd hand cars, there's never gonna be 100% consistency in prices etc. I guess some sellers may not know what they're worth, some think they can get more for a saught-after car, and others tend to go with the average price :confused4:


I paid just over 4k for my VR back in March, but had 51k on the clocks and electric leather Recaro's.

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With maintenance costs being so high. I think prices often depend on what has already been done to the car.


If you buy a nice £2k car which has a few bodywork issues and needs the chains/clutch doing then it is a £3.5k car at the end of the day isnt it :confused4: But to some people those issues won't mean that much and they will happily run it as it is.



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Practical Classics price guide has the VR6 at £1400 for a rough one, £3500 for a good car and £5500 for concours, IIRC. These prices are about 20% down on 18 months ago.

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Practical Classics price guide has the VR6 at £1400 for a rough one, £3500 for a good car and £5500 for concours, IIRC. These prices are about 20% down on 18 months ago.


Sounds spot on!

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Depends what the owner has put in to it imo, i've seen nice sub 100,000 mile examples for £4-5k, but they have no new parts on them, just serviced when the book says so and then left parked most of the time etc.


I'd rather pay more money for something with a long list of new parts on it.


I wouldn't sell mine for less than £3k as it not worth selling for less than that, even though it has 178,000 miles on it

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i think alot of people put there car up for sale for the amount its worth to them and how desprate they are to sell there car is also a factor

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being on the hunt for a VR now for nearly three months and I hear exactly what your saying, it's really all over the place.

those clowns in TCS had a mint blue storm in at 3k with starter issues , then fixed it and now looking for pretty much 4grand! I just missed a mint green w/perfect leather on '96 plate 124k going for 3,200, then you check p'heads etc and see almost identical car, maybe diff wheels seller looking for mid 4's :shrug:

I reckon some sellers price it with view to getting the car moved on relatively quickly, and put it in at a tempting price.

Others just looking for some gimp to turn up and fork out 5k 'cus it's all shiney and 'shock horror, it's got FVWSH :cuckoo:

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I reckon some sellers price it with view to getting the car moved on relatively quickly, and put it in at a tempting price.


agree with that, personal circumstances and ease of sale play a huge part for the vendor, other people just wear rose tinted specs and expect the world when overpricing, for those the day counter thing on PH adverts speak for them


i myself just picked up a vr for £1500, which seems cheap, but it has bodywork, the usual sunroof, spoiler and central locking issues - all fixable for £500 (i hope :) ) but will also need a major service soon, but as it won't be a daily i'll have the opportunity to take my time and sort it all myself, so all in all i feel i got a fair deal for a sub 100k car, that said i can perfectly understand someone paying £2k more to get a completely sorted one, and still think they got a good deal

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I paid just over 4k for my VR back in March, but had 51k on the clocks and electric leather Recaro's.


Sounds like a bit of a billy bargain to me mate, wish I'd found something like that before I got mine

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i paid £2250 for mine with mega history very well looked after example.... but as i wanted it right and it is not a daily after a full shell repaint, coilovers, rims, ice, my dash efforts, every bush/ gator/ joint replaced (just because i could) the car is still a long way from finished but it is getting there it also drives a shit load better too.... hence why i think its worth the money as most if not all things are better than expected, in hind sight i would have bought one already done and saved the hassle but it did tell me a lot about the corrado i didnt already know..... buying one for around the £1200-£2000 even £2500 not knowing what i know now for me would be risky....as they can soon become an overhead! lol

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It is a minefield unless you do a load of research.


I got stung by being impulsive, bought from pictures and a generous description on eBay. Ended up losing hundreds selling it on as it was too tatty for my requirements and unconciously unleashed some pain on Paul from bradford on this board. Sorry again mate!


But I did get me a 72 k VR6 for £3k which with very good body work and general condition and the relatively low mileage I am pretty happy.


A couple of decent washes and a bit of waxing and it looks very tidy. Sure it will need a few bits doing on the next service but I have a fantastic car that has everyone talking when they see it and brings a huge smile to my face when I see it on the driveway.

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Nows the time to buy a Corrado. I just don't see prices on good examples falling to the levels that they did for Scirocco's, where you could barely give them away. They just didn't make anywhere near as many Corrado's and the truely good ones are all going away slowly, and plenty are being broken all the time making ours rarer..


This is why I'm frantically stashing the cash away to pick myself up a decent VR6 next year hopefully - before they're all gone! :)

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History shows that good looking cars which are quick for their time and have any sort of rarity value will eventually fetch sensible amounta. Couple that with the cache the Corrado has as a "neo-classic" and we could be looking at big money for our cars in the future but not for a good few years yet. Buy a poor example now and it keep for 15 years in a barn, it'll still be worth more than you payed. Unless the government ban petrol or cars older than 6 months or something.

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Before I got mine and looking at sales since it seems a lot of private and trade sellers are over pricing their cars or at least at the top end of their value as they know the buyers will haggle. I know buyers always have haggled but we're constantly being told that its currently a buyers market for almost anything and everything so people kinda expect a deal now.


Just like the dealers have added £££ on to new cars to compensate the scrappage p/x, it seems to me that the independents and private sellers have added £££ on to theirs knowing the buyers are after a deal... if ur car is worth roughly X and u add £800 on to ur asking price and a buyer comes and offers £500 under ur asking price, they think they're gettin a deal and u've got an extra £200. Obviously there are much more if's and but's like knowledgeable buyers, personal circumstances etc etc blah blah.

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that, is a very good point. I reckon there's deffo alot of that going on.


With that in mind, all those nice vr's priced at the 4k ( :cuckoo: ) might be getting a call :lol:

I'm gonna bash-haggle them into submission

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The latest Practical Classics price guide has slashed their VR6 prices by about £500, Rough ones £1100, good ones

£3200, concours £5000. SELL SELL SELL. NO. BUY BUY BUY. :confused4:

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The latest Practical Classics price guide has slashed their VR6 prices by about £500, Rough ones £1100, good ones

£3200, concours £5000. SELL SELL SELL. NO. BUY BUY BUY. :confused4:


Before long you'll find them for the same price as I paid for my valver :)


(£700 btw)

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