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Car Tax going up again next year?

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Was flicking through Parkers website and noticed that it mentioned a change to the Car Tax again in 2010.


Is this right? :scratch:

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Better not be ffs, where is the money we're already paying going!? If they spent the money they got, on improving the roads etc then turned round and said we need more money to do it.... ok, maybe. But it doesnt seem like they spend our tax on what it needs to be spent on. Instead they say oh carbon foot prints, green houses gases, must be greener so we're putting tax up for those who want to drive 'gas guzlers', those people who wont forced into believing this 'green' bullsh!t.


Sorry :lol:


here you go - http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Ow ... /DG_172916


What a load of BS imo. Pricing people into pens. In the mean time the MPs will be still driving their exec cars.

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Meh, £205 a year still criminal considering how little gets spent on the road network compared to income but that is 'only' a tenner extra per year.


Just look how much extra you pay for fuel over a year in tax, it usually goes up twice and the more expensive oil gets the more VAT the robbing scum make. Just 1p a litre in duty is another 50p and fill up and that's £6 a year if you manage to squeeze a month between refills...

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they've added an extra £5 onto it as i remember checking last year and it said in 2010 it would be £200! Where the hell does this money go joke the roads if you ask me councils walking round saying theyve got no money but they can renew the pavements JOKE JOKE JOKE! Rant over

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motorists = cash cow (fuel duty, parking costs, speed cameras...)

that's just how it is now, you can't have a basic rate of tax at 22% (it used to be 30 odd?) and not get the money from elsewhere, there's a lot of MP's second homes that need paying for don't forget.

There's been a long trend towards indirect taxation like VAT and other taxes on stuff we buy, as it's seen as politically more acceptable.

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motorists = cash cow (fuel duty, parking costs, speed cameras...)

that's just how it is now, you can't have a basic rate of tax at 22% (it used to be 30 odd?) and not get the money from elsewhere, there's a lot of MP's second homes that need paying for don't forget.

There's been a long trend towards indirect taxation like VAT and other taxes on stuff we buy, as it's seen as politically more acceptable.


True but that has more to do with the majority of the population not being able work out that all the back door taxes cost them more.


Given the number of levels of Government in the UK it's amazing we get anything left over by the time all the administrators have had their cut.

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You should be excited to pay your road tax, after all, you could win a Seat Ibiza to pay more f:@kin' tax on. :mad2: :censored: :mad2: :bad-words: :mad2:

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You should be excited to pay your road tax, after all, you could win a Seat Ibiza to pay more f:@kin' tax on. :mad2: :censored: :mad2: :bad-words: :mad2:



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