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Is this a scam?

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Im pretty sure its a scam too, I'm not completely stupid (just quite). Other than forged banknotes I just cant see how the scam works. Either way I'll humor them until they turn up at my door and bum me, then I guess it'll lose its charm.

So far they have none of my details and if they do want an address to come view the car it'll be a good few miles away from where its parked!


My favorite scam ever comes from phonejacker, Pigeons have gotten into you bank account and we have been sent in to steam clean the notes!

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If your unsure enough to post for advice then that would be enough for me to forget it and wait for another offer. The best scams are the ones you can't work out until your standing on the pavement wondering where your car just went

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But if someone arrives with cash, wheres the risk? :shrug:

Thats the only way I'd ever sell a car.

I does sound dodgy though, I always reckon if it sounds like a scam then.. it is.

I've asked them to send me their friends number anyway.


Loads and LOADS of fake notes going round the area I work at the moment.


I went and bought a second hand motorbike from a guy last year. Withdrew £4000 in cash directly from the bank, turns out £80 was forged notes when the guy went to pay it in. Thankfully the guy just let it go and trusted that I wasn't scamming him but just beware - you can easily be fleeced with cash.


Walk away I would, unless he can give you a secure bank transfer.

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....I forge cash all the time so know what to look out for.


Absolute quality! :lol: :lol:

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