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Great race this weekend. Such a shame to see the red flag at the end ruin what could have been an amazing finale.


I'm usually a big Lewis fan but this weekend he went down a lot in my estimations. He was obviously frustrated after a poor qualy showing but I would have expected him to show a bit more professionalism and maturity. Instead he crashed into Massa, ruined Maldonado's race and generally made a knob of himself in the post race interview. I understand he has to push for the gaps but his moves on Sunday were overly ambitious. Di Resta made similar attempts but at least he held his hands up and admitted his faults rather than blame everybody else but himself.

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Sadly in my opinion, Hamilton does seem to always be blaming someone or something else - rather a Mansell and true Brit in that sense.

Although it would be great to see a Brit win, I would prefer Button anyday to have the Championship title - all due to Hamilton reguarly throwing his toys out of the pram. Shame.

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To be fair though with Maldanadoin, Lewis was right up along side him. As for Massa, i dont think he was gonna make it up the inside. But like Lewis did when Schumacher made the move there was some cooperation between the 2. Unfortunately Massa didnt cooperate that time.


AND again to be fair, it does seem Lewis gets more penalties when scuffling with people on the track, then anyone else. Schumacher gets away with appauling moves, vettel hitting button at spa, vettel and webber incident at turkey, alonso at malaysia which did involve Lewis. I dont blame him for getting a bit frustrated by it all. Look at the 2008 season.


Thats not to say Lewis is completely incident, he has made mistakes. But other drivers have done as bad or worse and got away with it.

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Did Algesuari get a pen for riding up the back of Lewis? Surely thats causing an avoidable accident? And Petrov needs to man up!

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Though imo they should get shot of the DRS and just keep the tyres and Kers.


Agree DRS is a bit artificial and gimmicky


Corrado owners wanting rid of an active rear spoiler! Whatever next..


I thought Monaco was a great race, there was talk about it being outdated and not fast enough for today's cars, however it's one I always look forward to - a very different challenge.


Thing with lewis is he makes these brave [possibly foolish?] moves very often - which is a credit to him - and normally gets away with it.. When he doesn't he spits his dummy.


I would have loved to have seen what happened if the race continued without a restart. being able to swap tyres meant it wasn't worth carrying on.

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Looking forward to this weekends Montreal GP. Should be a belter. I also feel Mclaren can take the win, pref Lewis. But i also think Ferrari wont be far behind. Theres a couple of long straights so Mclaren should be able to take advantage of their top speed compared to teh likes of RB. Same applies to Merc and FI, who also have the Mercedes engines.

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To be fair though with Maldanadoin, Lewis was right up along side him. As for Massa, i dont think he was gonna make it up the inside. But like Lewis did when Schumacher made the move there was some cooperation between the 2. Unfortunately Massa didnt cooperate that time..........


.....just seen what you wrote there mate and couldnt agree more, it takes two drivers to make a 'good' overtake, and I think this is lost on a lot of drivers who just turn in !!


Lewis's comments were ridiculous after the race and yes he made some mistakes in the race, but he showed his worth when Schumacher overtook him.


Looking forward to Montreal.

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.....just seen what you wrote there mate and couldnt agree more, it takes two drivers to make a 'good' overtake, and I think this is lost on a lot of drivers who just turn in !!


Lewis's comments were ridiculous after the race and yes he made some mistakes in the race, but he showed his worth when Schumacher overtook him.


Looking forward to Montreal.


I get a feeling Massa is just a puppet now, i feel he's making more of the hair pin incident then he would normally be. I wouldnt be suprised if Ferrari are pushing him to moan about it - i could be completely wrong but i wouldnt be suprised if this was the case.


I agree, maybe Lewis shouldnt have said what he did in the post race interview. But i do feel he was joking and its been blowing completely out of proportion. Though we ALL should know better when talking to the media on any level, they can turn mole hills into mountains.


Lets hope we get a winner other then the German RB driver :lol:

Edited by Critical_Mass

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haha just watched the senna film and well i think he says it best, if theres a small gap and i dont try to make it then im know longer racing, and i think that applies to lewis he sees a gap no matter how small he tries to make it even if it is not going to work like on massa, but thats why i like him he tries to win, im sorry but what did alonso or button do to really win this race?


i carnt see them ever dropping this race because of the history that goes with it and because the drivers seem to love it and i would if i was sat where they are BUT, it has to be said its not a very good track for racing imo theres like two half places to over take and as long as you make your car wide that isnt guna happen unless you take a risk like lewis tryed and failed, this hole causing an avoidable accident every time you try to over take someone they could pretty much turn in and cry this


is this not racing


dont get me wrong i dont wana see crazy moves but this is racing

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I think you have to take into consideration that this isn't touring cars where the drivers are protected by a bodyshell and roll cage. Its open wheeled single seater racing that can turn nasty if people start making unnecessary contact (see Bruno Senna's crash at Snetterton when he was racing F3). I think you've ignored the fact that Ayrton Senna made some very dangerous moves when he was racing, he was good but he's no angel by any means.


F1 is the pinnacle of motorsport, its not only about driver ability (although its a big part of it), its about the complete package from the cars, perssonel, technology, pitstops and strategies etc. There is an unwritten rule in F1 which is basically if you're not over half a cars length alongside the car in front at the apex then its most likely to be considered causing an avoidable accident.

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I think you've ignored the fact that Ayrton Senna made some very dangerous moves when he was racing, he was good but he's no angel by any means.



lol i havnt ignored the fact that senna made some dangerous moves, all drivers do, if your not on that limit then you aint ever guna win, the only thing that make a brilliant move and makes it into a dangerous move is the other driver knowing whats guna happen and not being a idiot and playing the game, like lewis did with shu but not like lewis did on massa that was just alittle to stupid and far back. some of sennas best moves could have been his worst and vis-versa. i know its selfish but i wana see more overtaking more drs on every straight, i hate that everybody realise on the other teams making a balls up in the pits to grab a win


maybe ive started watchin to much moto gp and get spoiled by all the close racing and overtaking

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Just found out the coolest think at work, my company will be getting a contract with Mclaren (will be in papers next week apparently), ironically its about data security (spygate :lol: ). WIll be able to get merchendise and cars to our events. I asked about getting a tour of the Tech Centre and was told its a possibility -sure we'll have to deliver a few projects first though.


Pesky - i couldnt agree more with what you've said, same with you nlau

Edited by Critical_Mass

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........ the only thing that make a brilliant move and makes it into a dangerous move is the other driver knowing whats guna happen and not being a idiot and playing the game, like lewis did with shu but not like lewis did on massa that was just alittle to stupid and far back. some of sennas best moves could have been his worst and vis-versa. i know its selfish but i wana see more overtaking more drs on every straight, i hate that everybody realise on the other teams making a balls up in the pits to grab a win


100% agree with that aswell, I posted something similar on another forum not long ago......the Lewis on Schumacher overtake illustrates this perfectly, I seem to recall Brundle saying despite all of Schumachers 'annoyances' you know you can pull moves like that on him as he wont just turn across you.......unless it means him winning the title of course and then, I dont care what anyone says, anything goes with ALL the drivers - its just the majority havent been in that position !!

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Well done JB, an excellent win. Vettel just couldn't handle the pressure! Its the first time he's been put under any real pressure this season and he cracked

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well done jb, an excellent win. Vettel just couldn't handle the pressure! Its the first time he's been put under any real pressure this season and he cracked

here here!!!!!

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Now that is the F1 racing I like to see. This season is just getting better

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Was really hoping Schumy was going to get a podium.


Great win by JB though.


I was rooting for him! Great to see F1 at it's best again..

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Was really hoping Schumy was going to get a podium.


Great win by JB though.


I would have liked Schumi to have got on the podium, but at the same time I was hoping JB would get past him quickly and move onto Vettel's gearbox!


Why is EJ hugging Martin Whitmarsh?!


*Edit* Why is Eddie Jordan on TV at all hugging everyone?!

Edited by nlau1
Eddie Jordan bashing

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I personally think that EJ needs to do one with his slacks and deck shoes!


Fantastic race once it finally got going... this is what F1 should be about. Really pleased for Button, but there is a 50 odd point difference between Vettel and Button, can Vettel be caught?

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I personally think that EJ needs to do one with his slacks and deck shoes!


Fantastic race once it finally got going... this is what F1 should be about. Really pleased for Button, but there is a 50 odd point difference between Vettel and Button, can Vettel be caught?


Haha, its not his attire that I'm concerned with, its his inappropriate bodily contact with interviewees and babbling sentences that he claims are questions!

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