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Extra Badges on Car

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Just wondered if anyone knows the best way to remove badges without damaging the paint work?


I'm not sure how they have been stuck on......hope they haven't been super glued!!


One is a "supercharged" badge and the other is a "wolfsburg edition" badge (completely irrelevant info I know, I just don't want them on my VR!!)




Lisa (using Andy's id :tongue: )

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i usually use fishing line and kind of saw them off, but keep pulling towards you and away from car. Only really works if they are stuck on with the double sided foam stuff though

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Could also use a bit of heat on them to melt/soften the glue or tape :wink:

The edge of a credit card works a treat when the glues heated :)

Use a hot air gun or if nothing else a hairdryer :)

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warm water to loosen then use solvent (petrol is good) to remove left over cack, fingers crossed that they didnt get superglued

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My method:


Warm the badge thoroughly with a hair dryer.

Carefully use an old credit/bank/store card as a scraper to get underneath the badge. Use a fingernail to pull the badge away from the car as you do this.

The adhesive should be warm and soft enough for the card to scrape through it.

If any adhesive is left on the car get some "sticky stuff remover" and a soft cloth to rub off the adhesive. Alcohol is also good for this.

Finish by using something like t-cut to polish the paint and blend in any clear coat/top coat imperfections.

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-heat gun/hair dryer/even boiling water can work

-something plastic like bank card as already said

-remove the sticky bit with tar remover and a microfibre cloth

-polish the paintwork with a good polish, a machine polisher would be best obviously (i wouldnt use tcut personally!!)

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WD40 (removes the residue really well ;) )


Yes it does, just dont leave it on there to long and get it all off.


When i was 18 my boot lock on my mk1 golf was playing up so a mate said spray some wd40 in it, lock then worked mint, job done. After a drive the wd had started to leak out of the lock and down the paint work without me knowing. After a few days i noticed and it had made a right ol mess of my metalic paint.

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Cheers for all the advice.....I'll remember not to leave the WD40 on!!


Think I'll try the hairdryer method....watch this space :)

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Right, I have tried the hairdryer and credit card approach on both badges.


One came off and I have tried cleaning the residue off (which looks like plastic) with no luck (I used an alcohol based solution)!!


The other badge didn't budge :mad2:


Any more ideas?



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could it be silicone? if so get your other half to put some elbow grease in.


have a bash with warm/hot water. if youre still struggling you can have a go with acetone (nail varnish remover is the home version) good for breaking down glues.

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could it be silicone? if so get your other half to put some elbow grease in.


Ha ha, I'll try that then :)

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