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have to go with whatever you are happy with really, and sadly what you can justify spending pennies on.

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If i were you (Not planning building an engine) then id probably throw a cam in there and then make sure the fueling/timing is good.


What injectors are you running?


Possibly worth going for an sns chip afterwards, I used to run a jabba chip and the sns made quite a difference to driveability/response.



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If you were going to go for a cam etc then it would be a definate thing to change really...You want to be going for 312/315cc injectors, then have a chip or mapping session done.

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If you were going to go for a cam etc then it would be a definate thing to change really...You want to be going for 312/315cc injectors, then have a chip or mapping session done.


I've got some 2nd hand for £50! :D



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If you were going to go for a cam etc then it would be a definate thing to change really...You want to be going for 312/315cc injectors, then have a chip or mapping session done.


I've got some 2nd hand for £50! :D




:notworthy: Sold!!!!!!! :clap:

PM or Mail me about payment/post.


All I need now is someone to sell me a cam...... :norty: :wink:

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