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Nasty R8 smash

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What happens if your car hits an open ended barrier


Luckily there shouldn't be too much open ended barrier around in this country. There are current moves to replace the existing concrete anchors with flat ended collapsable sections (you may have noticed them with chevrons on the end plates) these are designed to deform and slow the car down in the event of it hitting the end rather than act as a launch ramp as the old concrete blocks do.

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I obviously don't know the detail that caused that accident but 'we' do tend to charge around in our tin boxes feeling too safe because of all the safety features cars have to have now a days. However there will always be something that the safety features cant cocoon you totally from and hitting the end of a piece of armco at 45 degrees appears to be one of those things.


My sister and hubby used to have an Austin Healey Frogeyed Sprite but having seen someone in a similar car not survive having ploughted under the central reservation on the M4 made them vow never to drive theirs on a motorway again (and with a car like that what's the point in doing so anyway).

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My only vehicle related accident/injury occurred in a Frog Eye, entering a ditch and hedge as a passenger with no side windows or seat belts hurts

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when did the n-cap rating apply to motor cars, that makes me think how safe is the corrado in an accident, no air bags or pretensions in uk market,!!

prob be 1 star in the rating :norty: :shrug:

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My father has an idea of the VERY best safety feature.


A 6 inch metal spike that points to the drivers chest and is only 1 inch away. If we all had one of those fitted I am sure everyone would drive very very carefully.

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.......... what he needed there was a dirt big narrow angle v6 in front of him!! :D


Most definitely - a good transverse lump of iron up front provides significantly greater occupant protection than other configurations, also more than it ever gets credit for!

And in a severe front ender the last thing I would wish for is a near half tonne lump of engine/gbox travelling behind and towards me! :shock:

Good to have your re-assurances Tom.

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My father has an idea of the VERY best safety feature.


A 6 inch metal spike that points to the drivers chest and is only 1 inch away. If we all had one of those fitted I am sure everyone would drive very very carefully.


a little dark but ok :confused4: :lol:

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My father has an idea of the VERY best safety feature.


A 6 inch metal spike that points to the drivers chest and is only 1 inch away. If we all had one of those fitted I am sure everyone would drive very very carefully.


Don't think I'd be doing much driving at all!

Initial thought is "do more passenger miles", though the prospect of having to deal with results of driver error doesn't bear thinking about. :gag:

Say - that would be good for the environment too!

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Say - that would be good for the environment too!


Oh yeah. That's a bonus for the idea too. Only drive if you really have to but probably do it very slowly so very economically.

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