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Valver for the girlfriend's first car - opinions please...

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I think the insurance bill and the fact she hates the idea of a corrado should be enough to divert you from you contemplated course of action!!

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stop kidding your self pete.you know for a fact if you missus gets a raddo you will be all over it like a rash and will be driving it/loving more than the bmw.......go on you know its true! :lol:

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piggot 106 diesels are uber reliable


For gods sake don't get her anything French!


it might be heresy on here but I had my 1.6 petrol 106 for 8 years with no problems before the C..

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piggot 106 diesels are uber reliable


For gods sake don't get her anything French!


it might be heresy on here but I had my 1.6 petrol 106 for 8 years with no problems before the C..


i brought the other half a citreon c4 vti and its really not a bad motor as it goes

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my landlord/flatmate has a c3 and its a complete heap o' crap. it handles like a drunken trolley and the brakes are either on or off.

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For gods sake don't get her anything French!


it might be heresy on here but I had my 1.6 petrol 106 for 8 years with no problems before the C..


i brought the other half a citreon c4 vti and its really not a bad motor as it goes


and pete is a citroen man at heart :norty:

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(that's a lie btw!)


i knew from the start it was a bad idea if i'm honest... just wanted to see if you lot coulod provide me with any good inspiration to make me think otherwise!


Karl, thank you for your first post - it hit the nail right on the head!


it was just a thought, but thank you all very much for the numerous responses. i'll pop back again when i need my head re-attaching once more!!! :D

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Just buy one for your self we all know you will do soon enough.


Speak to Andy, by all acounts he is an expert at selling a corrado then buying another one not long after :lol:

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TBH as much as i hate to say it a pug 306 D-turbo is a cracking first car or a run around.


I had one up until today when the engine decided to commit suicide, but i don't care, it cost me £50 and you could just do whatever you wanted to it and it lapped it up, and doing 55mpg no matter what rev your at or what speed you going. Its got enough mod cons so its still new-ish but cheap enough to be an old pug.


and all at group 5 insurance. Mined got driven into by a bin truck and i just laughted it off with the driver, if it was the 'rado i'd be writing this from prison.

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TBH as much as i hate to say it a pug 306 D-turbo is a cracking first car or a run around.


thats not a bad call. I have to admit though Pete; just ask the GF what she would like. By the sounds of it she wouldn't be a fast driver so having a modern car with ABS, Air Bags, etc doesn't really matter. Golf MK2 GTI, Lupo (kinda cute)................sporting fiesta :grin:

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