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Poll250s VR Turbo

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Thanks for the help guys.

Stu: Would you mind taking a quick photo of the bottom part of your setup? I should have remembered to ask take a look when you were over the other day!

Will have a crack at taking some pics one lunch time at work as after work darkness may cause a prob.

Failing that weekend time any good...?

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Thanks for the help guys.

Stu: Would you mind taking a quick photo of the bottom part of your setup? I should have remembered to ask take a look when you were over the other day!

Will have a crack at taking some pics one lunch time at work as after work darkness may cause a prob.

Failing that weekend time any good...?


Thanks for the offer Stu, but it's FIXED!


I had a go after finishing work at 6.30 last night, must have looked mental to the neighbours laying under my car in freezing fog!


I undid the bottom bolt and removed the mount, wiggled it about and then retorqued it, same with the top bolt. Lo and behold no more knocking!. I can't describe how happy it made me to drive home without any horrible noises in 1st and 2nd, and the whole car felt a hell of a lot more solid on the back roads (I guess it should do with the engine properly bolted down!)


Just wish I'd of worked the problem out sooner. I wasted the whole summer not fitting my Rotrex because I couldn't track down this noise. Now it's gone though (both the Rotrex and the noise) there's nothing stopping me from having a nice Turbo bolted on :) :) :) Roll on February!

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Thanks for the help guys.

Stu: Would you mind taking a quick photo of the bottom part of your setup? I should have remembered to ask take a look when you were over the other day!

Will have a crack at taking some pics one lunch time at work as after work darkness may cause a prob.

Failing that weekend time any good...?


Thanks for the offer Stu, but it's FIXED!


I had a go after finishing work at 6.30 last night, must have looked mental to the neighbours laying under my car in freezing fog!


I undid the bottom bolt and removed the mount, wiggled it about and then retorqued it, same with the top bolt. Lo and behold no more knocking!. I can't describe how happy it made me to drive home without any horrible noises in 1st and 2nd, and the whole car felt a hell of a lot more solid on the back roads (I guess it should do with the engine properly bolted down!)


Just wish I'd of worked the problem out sooner. I wasted the whole summer not fitting my Rotrex because I couldn't track down this noise. Now it's gone though (both the Rotrex and the noise) there's nothing stopping me from having a nice Turbo bolted on :) :) :) Roll on February!

Nice one mate. Saves me doing the same in the freezing cold :lol:


Glad to hear you've solved the problem.

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Time for a little update again, keep this thread alive!


A few weeks ago I picked up a set of DS2500 pads for the Brembos, really happy with the performance so far, pedal feel is so much improved and I've got a really good amount of power now in the brakes.


Today I splashed out a bit and bought myself a Racelogic Traction Control setup! Will need all the control I can get as the cars going into Stealth for a Turbo conversion in the middle of February! Price dependant I might go for one of the 2.5inch custom exhausts- it seems like this is the restriction in the system and it's an OE system at the moment so could probably do with changing soon anyway.


I think I've finally sorted most of the gremlins that have bugged this project in the last 12 months! Seems funny that it was a year ago I started looking at putting a new engine in and charging it. At that time I expected to have it all done by the end of Feb 2010. The only thing I really want to get done is to fit my O2J shifter and tower. This would be a lot easier if I hadn't lost the tower somewhere at my parents house. It will turn up I'm sure and it's hardly been the weather for laying under the car taking the exhaust off!

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Nice work there mate good you happy with the ds25000 think I'll have to get them for my 312s in the end.


What just started it 12 months ago and you going to finish the turbo by end of Feb. That just makes me feel bad as I was sorting the parts for mine the other week and found the postage dates in 2008 so guess mines going pretty slow as the engine still on the stand


Hope it all goes well mate and sure you'll be havent some fum real soon with the turbo

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Good effort mate, defo go with a custom exhaust if u can and the RL should help keep the tyres too just noticed mine have worn down pretty quickly lately with the slippy conditions and way I drive :( be prepared for fun though, with great power...... comes great problems :)

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Thanks guys!


Well I was toying with fitting the Racelogic myself until yesterday:

Was on a trip to drop some stuff at my gas parents in Dunchurch, slowed down outside Stealth so I could drop in for a chat and realized they'd already closed.


My car did the old "stall when your foots on the clutch thing, but wouldn't restarted when I let my foot off the clutch to bump start. So we were left stranded on the road until it eventually restarted.


100m down the road and did the dame again, on a roundabout this time, pushed it out the way and it restarted after 15 mins.

Tried nurse it the few miles to Dunchurch, but it did it again amcouple of miles up the road, I watched he engine just cut out from 3000rpm.Called the AA as the battery died after a couple of tries,and my fears were confirmed, I'd wired the battery earth in badly basically, it was well earthed to the gearbox support, burgher was swerving badly to the rest of the engine.


He fitted an extra earth strap from that point to a good one on the gearbox and everything was sorted!


Moral of the story: I suck at electrics!

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:lol: I'm sure we've all done something like that before! FWIW, the main earth point on the nearside chassis leg under the battery is 'King Earth'. It's paramount that earth point is well maintained to avoid being stranded by the side of the road :D


And congrats on the turbo conversion :salute:


Glad you like the DS2500s too. I thought they were 'OK', but far from remarkable tbh, over-priced and over-hyped imo but I appreciate the mega sticky pads are also over-priced!! At least they're a worthy improvement on what you had before, which is the main thing :salute: It's not until Sir Turbo is sitting on the back of your engine will you start to find the limits of your brakes :lol:

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Bit of an update:

Vince is snowed under as a mk2 R32 is taking a lot longer than expected so I've still got a few weeks before my car goes in for surgery.


The wait is killing me!


Still, it's giving me a good amount of time to go round the car and really sort out as many of the annoying niggles as I can, hopefully it will make Vinces job easier if there are no horrible suprises dotted around.


At the weekend I finally managed to update my whole gearchange mechanism to the much simpler, studier Mk4 Golf/Audi S3/TT design. I'd had a TT shift tower and "pre-modified" S3 shift mechanism lieing around for over a year. When I tried to fit the pre-modified shift mech last year, I spent a good two hours trying to force it into the tunnel and eventually gave up and refitted my original sloppy change (see http://www.youtube.com/user/pollshady#p/u/3/p0-IxA1DwyM)


Anyway, I'd been wanting to try and refit it before all the Turbo gubbins gets in the way, when Lo-and-behold a thread came up (http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?54167-MK4-Polo-Shifter). Thanks to mikkijaynes help I ordered 3 Polo parts to rehouse the shifter parts and went about installing the whole lot on sunday.


It's a pretty simple job, just very annoying getting to some of the bolts with the coolant pipes +starter in the way,the Polo housing fit into the Tunnel perfectly though :) Proper adjustment is also made very easy by a pin in the shift housing and another in the tunnel.


Overall my gearchange feels brand new! The throw is a lot shorter in all directions, and it feels a lot tighter and positive going between the gears.


I have 2 shift weights so I'm going to experiment by cutting the weight off one of them to see how it affects gearchange. As it stands I'm a bit worried that the height of it might rub through a coolant hose over time.


Will update with some photos later on, but there's not much visual bling to be seen, more under the hood than anything!


Next on the list: take the front end off to sort my Mocal hoses out!

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Ah nice one on the turbo, defo worth the wait.


Wow, not seen that Polo shifter idea before. Do you need to change the cables as well, or just the shifter thing in the car and the turny twisty thing on top of the gearbox?


Think I'll order the parts up!

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I wish I'd know about the Polo parts a year ago!


The cables/ends are Mk4 specific so you need them too. I think there's some good photos of the differences on this post: http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?4668026-Euro-Shifter-parts-options-for-retrieving-and-slight-rant&p=63136656&viewfull=1#post63136656


Polo on the left, 02A in the middle, MK4 on the right.

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Thanks mate. A bit more work than I thought then. And I only replaced the original cables last year!! I think I'll wait until it's all worn out again and then do this mod.


Is 1st / 2nd when cold improved, or is is still reluctant until there's some temperature in the oil?

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I can't reccomend the updated shift enough. It just feels so solid and it's the perfect throw in my opinion. Also, I managed to do a bit of digging and found a way to get the reverse lights working without having to fiddle with fitting a new plug.


I spent much of the weekend taking my front end off to tidy a few bits, I'd had a small coolant leak as the Mocal was pushing on the crack pipe, so took the Mocal off and re-routed it a bit. No more leaks :) Tried to change my clutch slave for the 2nd time but the bolt on the mounting pipe is totally fubar'd! So just had to put it back on. :( Will try and get a new pipe and try a 3rd time as I want it done before it goes to Vince ideally.


Tidied a few other bits up and, after shorting the starter, managed to get the car running ok.


Took it for a good blast last night: in love with the gear change! so, so much better than every before. Car was flawless.


Then I pulled up at home and realised that I had a coolant leak coming from the bottom of the rad. BRILLIANT! I guess it's a 17 year old rad, and the car did run a bit hot in the summer so it's probably best to get a nice shiny one in before doubling the power...


These cars sure can test your strength! At least I'm safe in the knowledge that a time will soon come when I've replaced 90% of the things that can go wrong.

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Yeah, unfortunately that's the way it goes. Most stuff needs replacing at these miles and sticking a load of extra strain and heat doesn't help things. Its easier to list what I haven't replaced since going FI! :) Preventative is definitely the way forwards, I've been stranded on the side of the road a few times now after things have gone pop.

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Yeah, I'm very keen on the preventative maintenance thing. Once it comes back from Stealth running sweetly, I don't want to have to pull it apart every two minutes.


New rad comes to £217 from my dealer! Was going to get a mk4 expansion tank but will leave that for a later date I think!


Inquired with DG about there shiny fan brackets but they apparently don't do them anymore :( Quite fancied some new fans too but I'm sure mine will suffice.

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Spoke to Vince yesterday and it's finally time for my car to go in for it's long awaited Turbo conversion. Happy days for me!


I've had a bit of a leaky radiator for a couple of weeks so have a new radiator to fit before the weekend, and was mean't to do a 400 mile round trip to Plymouth for work today/tomorrow, a nice last hurrah for my N/A Rado, or so I thought, I checked the oil yesterday lunctime and topped it up in readiness.


So I get to work today, and when I pull up, a load of smoke came into the cabin, on lifting the bonnet there's a load of smoke coming from the engine, No oil on the dipstick, and a trail of oil behind me. At first it looked like my sump was leaking, but I now think I've traced it to the Mocal sandwich plate.


Is it likely that I've done something bad to the engine? ie seized it? (I drove about 35 miles last night and another 2 to work this morning.) I know the dipstick only measures the last 1 litre of oil, so there may still be 5 litres in there.


I've got to replace the rad on Friday in any case, so I should be able to sort the leak without too much bother, I just reallly hope that after all this work I haven't gone and stuffed the engine two days before giving it to Vince :(

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Cheers guys, at least it happened before I started the 200 mile drive to Plymouth, luckily my colleague was a le to drive instead.


Ordered a replacement sandwich plate today so will get that fitted asap, a ling with the rad.


Oil buzzer didn't come on, and looking on the drive I didn't drop much oil over night so I'm going to refit the mocal and top up with oil to see how much I lost. Hopefully it wasn't more than a litre or two.


I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

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Managed to refit the Mocal over the weekend having broken my original sandwich plate, and also fit a new radiator. Seems to run a lot cooler now, and isn't losing any fluid for the first time in a while.


After a year of seeminglu endless preparations and problems, I've finally managed to get my car to Stealth! Dropped it in earlier this afternoon, and I'm hoping to have it back for the 20th.


Having the Stage 1+ Turbo conversion, Helix Clutch + release arm, lightened flywheel, uprated fuel pump, 2.5" 2-box custom exhaust and Racelogic Traction Control fitted.


To say I'm excited is an understatement, but I'm also quite scared as just when I think nothing can go wrong, this car has a very nasty habit of suprising me with wallet emptying consequences!


Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly :)

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I will hunt you down Poll!! I can't believe you're local and have stalked my driveway without popping in for a cuppa! :p

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