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Nice suprise this morning, because of the recent snow i parked the rado on the street instead of the drive and some goat blowing mother f :censored: decided to break into it.... :mad2: :bad-words:

its only the second time its not been parked on the drive in the year ive lived here.

They smashed the o/s quarter glass getting in aswell as fubar-ing the lock, ripped all the heater controls and center consul to crap trying to get me stereo out but obviously too techical cause its still there. Nice load of finger prints left all over the stereo facia..

Cd's nicked and remote for stereo, okleys gone etc

The boot was full of engine bits and my new brakes etc.. ready to be fitted. which is now all over the inside after the car, Shame they had to rip the rear seats forward to nose about.. :bad-words: Obviously not to their taste cause its still pretty much there.

They must have been curious about the old isv though - was originaly in the boot and found that on my drivers seat.. :roll:


Anyone got a spare o/s quarter pannel glass for sale?



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oh m8 I'm so sorry to hear that ! never had a car (or a house now i think about it) broken into but it must feel crap like the C's been violated !! little fookers have no respect for others property and need a good slap :bad-words: A friend of mine came back to her car one night in a car park to find some kids must have broken into it and stayed (!!) drinking booze and smoking (cos the car was littered with cans and fag butts) whilst they rooted through all her belongings :censored:

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What a nitemare mate really sorry :censored:

these scumbags want hung drawn and quartered :bad-words:

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They even took my vag com lead :bad-words:


My old neighbour heard someone breaking into his wifes car a while back and confronted the scumbag with a crow bar.

scumbag locked himself in the car and wouldn't budge, no matter how beconning my neighbour gave. :lol:

Fortunately for scumbag the police were prompt, else who knows what would have happened.

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that would be great! the thief rushing around leaning across to lock both doors every time you press your key fob :D

I'd have to fook with him by ducking down, doing a lap of the car and popping my head up screaming OOGABOOGABOOGA !!!! :grin:

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that would be great! the thief rushing around leaning across to lock both doors every time you press your key fob :D

I'd have to fook with him by ducking down, doing a lap of the car and popping my head up screaming OOGABOOGABOOGA !!!! :grin:


:lol: now that would be funny



Sorry to hear about you car being broken into.


Got me worryed now as my car is not parked where it normaly is :o

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feel for you mate nothin worse than a t leaf, weve all had it done its guttin i know.in the words of john travolta in pulp fiction you would give anything to be there when they did it .....know i would hope you get it sorted

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Ah man - I'm really sorry to hear this :( Hope you managed to get it back on the road with the minimum of expense.


Don't post pictures up - don't think I could bear to see the car so abused!! :(

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Just typical, even in terrible weather the scum can still be bothered to go on the pinch, surely it would just be easier to get a job like the rest of us?

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Aw that takes the effin p!ss mate!!! I really feel for you! I'm up in aberdeen and one of the forums up here a guy was sayin how his lockup got broken into and the subsequent 8 lockups got broken into aswell! seems like its happening everywhere!

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Had mine broken into couple years ago same way (in a secure car-park scum apparently just walked in through the Block of appartments!) except my Scum-bag left his DNA everywhere as he didn't cover his hand up breaking it! :gag:


Still he earned a nice cosy cell out of that... from memory he admitted it (hmm hard to see how he couldn't!) and apprently asked for a further 15 other B&E offences to be taken into consideration! :epicfail:


If you have windscreen cover on your insurance then that also covers side windows too!

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