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A lil something to share...

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but at work every one seams to take the piss out of it :mad2: . Mainly the same person but he hasnt got a leg to stand on as he drives a Jap import scooby estate :pukeright:


I know what you mean mate. I get one mate at work whos calls it a rust bucket or shed etc - guess what, he drives one of those bright green fester :epicfail: So he's no room to talk.


I've found people who take the pish out of it Corrados, generally dont know much about them. I'm yet to meet someone who knows about them and doesnt know what it is.


I get very defensive when someone takes mick out of my car :lol: a bit :camp: i know, as you could say its 'just a car' But to me its not 'just a car' :oops:


i'm like that about my car aswell. You can't diss the car! No-one bothers much anymore, but they were surprised when I turned up to work in it during the snow 'oh you made it in then!' Cheeky gits! :lol:

I did mention that 'Geoff' is 20 yrs this month, someone said i Should make a birthday cake for him - mainly so my team could eat the cake i think :lol:


But as you've all said - the cars just put a smile on your face!!


I am lucky that as I work with a lot of engineers they are all quite helpful if I need answers about - it's like my own technical helpdesk :) but i do get the whole you could get £2k for that shed from one of the engineers and thats not red it's pink! :(

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Lets be fair the corrado is and prob always will be one of the best looking cars ever made ,and as well as that is also with the rite mods a damn goosd all round car :clap: :clap: smile factor marks out of ten please

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I always feel a sense of pride when I'm in either a Tesco carpark or Service station forecourt b it in mint nick or a bit dirty, I'm always so happy it's my car. And you look around and see all the Passats, Beemer young executive mobiles with there try hard alloys and optional sports pack mods, and they boot everywhere drving up ur hole at roundabouts Gareth Cheeseman stylee. But you know 9 times out've ten they look at your car as it leaves them for dead and their secertly wondering why there driving Dr Blands Bland Mobile and wish they had a proper sports car. They all think oh the engine's far too big, waste of petrol, sure they always break down don't they and there so old. My point is, we couldn't gone the easy option and all be driving Goofs with more reliability (sort of) newer, safer and comfy interior, but we did'nt. We put in the hours of labour and wads of cash so we can 'feel' something for our cars.

We invest time and money and we get repaid in kind with the smiles per miles at 10/10, knowing glances of appreciation, and just the general warm glow you get when you know you've to pop back down the shops for something, anything.

And I for one wouldn't have it any other way.

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I was in a filling station a few weeks ago and a guy filling up alongside me said 'Beautifull car, mate.'


Clearly he hadnt seen the other side - which needs a little 'TLC' to say the least. A job for this spring :)

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but at work every one seams to take the piss out of it :mad2: . Mainly the same person but he hasnt got a leg to stand on as he drives a Jap import scooby estate :pukeright:


I know what you mean mate. I get one mate at work whos calls it a rust bucket or shed etc - guess what, he drives one of those bright green fester :epicfail: So he's no room to talk.


I know what u mean... Mine gets called the skip... this being from a guy that take public transport cos he has no liscence...



And you look around and see all the Passats, Beemer young executive mobiles with there try hard alloys and optional sports pack mods, and they boot everywhere drving up ur hole at roundabouts Gareth Cheeseman stylee. But you know 9 times out've ten they look at your car as it leaves them for dead and their secertly wondering why there driving Dr Blands Bland Mobile and wish they had a proper sports car.


i know exactly what you mean... i'm soo glad i didn't give up on my car when time got hard, cos i would just be another cockster or Bl00dy Motherfookin W@nker driver... no no... not for me... :nono:

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The conversation always seems to start with 'you don't see many of those any more mate!' - then 'Is it the V6?' :lol:


or my mate has a storm :lol:



or nice scirocco mate :brickwall:

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its true that some Cs do attract "the public" my Green Storm rarely got comments but the Blue one!!


- pulled over at lights and asked to sell

- pulled over by a copper & asked to sell!!

- pulled over by an Aussie pedestrian in Amsterdam and asked to sell!!!!


as well as lots of petrol station glances/ conversations/ comments.


They are superb cars, I miss mine very much as im in the Middle East. Went to see it at Christmas and felt amazing just looking at it!! ADDICT!! :D


Just to complete the picture, 2 lots of men in blue stopped me before you took over my classic, to express interest and leave a phone number.

Do you recall the rapping crew in Manchester in a 330 who stopped and offered to buy it?


I went for the Bora because of the similar engine [but how different!] and after 18 months of regular contact with yours, I had to have another! Indubitably addictive!

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Brilliant thread, i always get the piss taken out of me at work for driving an "old bangor" out of the 40+ cars in my works carpark there's only mine and a mk1 mr2 that stand out from the crowd, everything else is your 2-5 year old boring bland euro boxes.


Think the worst comment i ever had came off a friend of the family "oh it has a spoiler that goes up like on my chrysler crossfire" :shock: there really is no hope for some people! :lol:

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I know that it's a completely pointless thread really but i have such a huge smile on my face i though i would share it with the people that would appreciate it!...


I've not driven my car for about 3-4 weeks now... i mean not properly... taken it round the block just to keep the engine/batt going... but not further than a couple of miles...


so today, rather than getting a lift into work today i thought i would drive, especially since the road slish had mostly melted overnight... now since i live in fleet and work in bracknell, the route i take to work has lots of nice windy roads... anyone that live nearby will know what i mean...


i remember now why i love this car so much! i had a huge grin on my face all the way to work today.... and as i parked up while what remained of the snow slid off revealing the beauty the VW had pulled off, my boss pulled up next to me in his M3... got out and spoke the kindest words to me... "I want your car you ass-hole!"...


there is something about this car that makes me smile every time... i don't know if it's the way it drives, it's stunning looks, the way that awesome V6 sounds when you plant it or even it's exclusivity...


i've spent a lot of money on the car over the 2 years that i've had it, every penny well spent.... even if it's just for the way it made me feel this morning!


anyone elses car decide to stick it's hand down thier trousers this morning?


its funny....time & time again i read posts like this on here & its like people have literally taken the thoughts from my mind.....thank you!!!

its always nice too when a complete random stranger is staring longingly at your rado whilst saying you are a ''lucky, lucky b4st4rd''....as happend to me the other day :p

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Just to complete the picture, 2 lots of men in blue stopped me before you took over my classic, to express interest and leave a phone number.

Do you recall the rapping crew in Manchester in a 330 who stopped and offered to buy it?



I do remember that & being a tad nervous at the time :lol:

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