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Hi de ho,


I posted a query a few months ago about my car shaking when I brake - as a result it turned out to be warped discs and I have since replaced them with Red Dot six slots and equivalent pads. The shaking has now gone but the car STILL veeres from left to right - its very difficult to explain other than the wheel sometimes decides to pull to the left or the right untill I jump in and correct it.


I do think that the suspension is on its way out (13 year old car = 13 year old suspension) but I was wondering if this may be related to something else more minor/majour such as a track rod end.


Can anyone suggest any tests I can do on the driveway in this months weather conditions with the usual set of garage tools and no ramp to see if I can solve some if not all of this veering problem BEFORE I inevitably shell out for some Spax adjustables.


Cheers :roll:

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i have 17's on the car and normally the wheels want to follow the lines in the road..thats when i get veering...but yours sounds more like tracking being off.

Try getting it laser aligned and see how it goes...but i'd personally shell out for the spax adjustables too. hahaha.

sanj. :lol:

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Could be any number of things, but I think that you're barking up the correct tree about it being a suspension problem. 8)


Check Tyre pressures and tracking, then topmounts, wishbone bushes, balljoints and trackrod ends.


Jack up one front wheel, and check that there is no play around a horizontal axis (push on top of wheel, pull on bottom, then visa versa) There should be NO movement at all this way.


Push and pull on both sides (leading edge and trailing edge) of the wheel (like you're pulling it off/putting it back on) again, there should be no movement.


Have a look at the bushes where the wishbone attaches to the chassis, if these look cracked or split, they're dead.


Remove the wheel, and check (carefully!) that there's no play in any direction on the strut (obviously excluding suspension travel! :roll: :lol: )


Put the wheel back on and check the other side.


If there's movement in any part of these tests, you should be able to see where the movement is originating from and work out which bit is dead. 8)


Now do the same on the other front wheel.

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i have 17's on the car and normally the wheels want to follow the lines in the road..thats when i get veering...but yours sounds more like tracking being off.

Try getting it laser aligned and see how it goes...but i'd personally shell out for the spax adjustables too. hahaha.

sanj. :lol:


17's tend to tramline... tracking can help...

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hey bro


Sometimes have a very similar problem on my C Usually only under slight braking but certainly very inconsistently. Just every so often. (you can emergency stop it and itll be straight as) had laser alignment tracking done which sorted the pull to right but not the veering. Had the car looked over all was fine but suspension bushes etc were original. its a 91 and suspension wear was thought to be the cause, but havent had mine done yet. Just letting you know tracking might not sort it, (as i am sure you are probably aware!!)

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Corrados run a fair amount of negative camber, which usually has the undesired side-effect of tramlining and wandering.....but the steering loads up nicely during cornering. It's just the dead-ahead that's vague and wandery.


When you get the laser jiggery-pokery done....try adding a couple of minutes of positive camber....

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