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Why why why my Engine!

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Well the vr is 16 years old today, i have owned him since july and been meaning to put up a few photos for others to see.

Now considering the occasion i have bought me/ the car some shiny new feet, the rx11 have just come back from a re furb and have to say im rather chuffed with them.

Sadly i cant put them on yet as the locking nut key has gone walkies

Edited by captainredeye

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I think they are 205/55 will have to double check but they need some lower profile ones as they look a little chuncky and the rims get a little lost.

These were badly corroded and needed sanding and spraying several times took the guys almost 2 weeks to finish after being told two days, but they did a bang up job.

Edited by captainredeye

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Ok then been a while since i have added to a somewhat small thread and with a few changes the time has come.

With the green machine starting to look a little tatty and the dreaded rust has started to pop up on the arches the car is going in for a partial respray, plus to hide a somewhat poor spray job i did myself on the bonnet.


Its going in for spraying on the 9th of may so plenty of time to be ready for Bristol volksfest, i have taken off the side strips to save a little time but has got me thinking to leaving them off but a little unsure as it leaves the car looking a little bear me thinks.

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Ok spent a whole week with out the car, im not a fan of public transport but needs must!

Have to say im damn chuffed with the paint work i will be braving it and leaving the bump strips off for the time being.

and here is a few pics of some fresh dragon green paint + about 3 hours of cleaning and waxing.

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Just got my hands on a schrick manifold courtesy of Swompy, spent some time cleaning it up getting new gaskets, got my head round the install but have found conflicting info on how to attach the vacuum reservoir .

Any one in the know give us a shout, i was under the impression you cut in a T junction on the larger pipe connecting to the right hand side of the manifold.

Where im holding the pipe was where i was thinking off.

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Best of luck with the install, would like to know what difference it makes :D

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Cheers Bud its polished up well and all. just dont seem to be able to find any sort of diagram for the vacuum hoses which is a pain.

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Should be fitting the manifold tomorrow, that link helped i did get the right pipe i just didn't notice the two vacuum points 6 inches lower down they are hidden behind the clump of wires next to the coil pack.

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Spent near enough 7 hours doing the install few hold ups with stuck bolts also has a little clean up with some gunk and replaced the rocker cover gasket while i was at it.

The online guides have been a real help, there is a few things i would do different but all in all its quite straight forward just a bit of planing.

Soon as i left the drive within 20seconds had a big smile on my face such a worth while mod despite a little pricey, at one point i thought the car was in 3rd but nope 4th really has made a considerable change.

I would say to anybody if you can get your greasy mits on one, have it.

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Glad to hear its being used and is working :D


Will have to take me for a ride in it so I can see the difference it makes

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That shrick looks lovely in the engine bay...with the increase torque makes driving the corrado effortless. Not sure if you notice any rubbing on the shrick manifold with your bonnet when closed. I think it tend to rub at the left hand corner of the shrick manifold (the corner nearest the air filter side)



Notice you are missing the black engine cover that goes over the coil pack. Will make it look even neater. See the link below website for pic. The website also tells you all about the technical details of the schrick manifold. Makes interesting reading



Edited by VWVW

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I have taken a little out of the bonnet with a dremel not noticed any rubbing plus its still on standard engine mounts. The plastic tray i didn't think about did seem like something was missing will be going back in soon as i think the bug for tidying the engine bay is rubbing off on me, never bothered me before but after doing this install it seems worth the effort.


Jake by all means next time our paths cross, its quite a difference considering the only other extra on the c is a milltec exhaust. Quite interested how it compares to a 24v when you get yours back, be an idea to have a meet at santa pod and see how they compare on the strip!


This is all i had to take out the cuts are quite neat but needs painting.

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After sourcing some rather expensive oem fuel pipes for the vr to quell an escape of fuel, i thought i might be safe for a few weeks at least. NOPE


Coming back from a wedding the radiator decided to leak, stopped of at a garage to use an emergency bottle of rad weld, low and behold it works.

Now 2 weeks later the leak has sprung up again now my best bet is to replace with a new radiator found one for £114 not sure if you can get them any cheaper as seen others for well over £200!

Having never done this on a vr before im unsure if the bumper and slam panel will have to come off to replace the rad if so an excuse for a bit of a tidy up on the unseen bits

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Noooo.... Rad weld... 2 weeks? You shouldnt leave it in there for so long... It did its job a sealing the leak, but it can seal other things aswell :(

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You will need to remove the headlights, front bumper and slam panel to replace the Radiator. Best also to support the engine before removing bumper bolts.

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Didnt realise it was a quick fix feel a bit of a chump now! C will have to ne parked up now sure whole host of jobs will crop up for me to enjoy.

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I'm thinking of buying a VR that has a Schrick installed and just wondering, does the manifold have to come out if you want to change the spark plugs?

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that rad weld doesn't do the engine much good but 2 weeks shouldn't pose your engine much of a problem... It only reacts when in comes in contact with oxygen so the internal engine compoents shouldn't be coated with to much rubbish ;)

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