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Now the boot won't open

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Hi, my boot won't open either with the key (don't know if that ever worked) or via the centeral locking, anyone got any ideas how I can open it to try and fix it?


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climb inside the boot if you can , put back seats down with a trorch and a screwdriver remove the rear panel around the tailgate big black one.

the screws are just a twist secure plastic screw, undo these and the trim should come off, you should the be able to see the rods that actuate the lock mechanism work this back and forth and the boot should open.

hope this helps :D

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The boot does have its own "deadlock" you put the key in and turn it clockwise IIRC in this position the central locking wont open the boot !

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Keyslot horizontal, boot opens with central locking. Keyslot vertical, doesn't open with the central locking and has to be opened by turning the key clockwise.

Tend to keep mine in the vertical position since some little :censored: 's popped the boot of a car in front of me in a traffic jam a few Christmases ago and did a runner with the contents.

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Thanks I sorted it in the end, climbed inside the boot and took it apart, sprayed a load of wd40 on the joints and now it works :D

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