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16v cam timing

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Im really struggling to get these timed up, its stopping me from making any progress on my valver. I just cant get the pully and cams all timed up correctly, any tips advice would be greatly awesome :grin:

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I have this old screenshot of the 9a timing from when i had autodata up and running.......it is a 9a yours isn't it? :D

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16V's are usually fairly easy as you are only aligning the top and bottom pulleys (intermediate only drives the oil pump so clock position doesn't matter)


It may take one or two goes to get the right technique to get the belt tight and on the right cam sprocket tooth, you need the proper tensioner tool too, makes it so much easier.


If you are struggling to get a cam tooth on the mark then you might have an issue with head tolerance - has it been skimmed?


Also check the chain is tight and replace if stretched.

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just thought, my chain is from my 9a cams and ive put that onto my KR cams, would that matter?


The head has been skimmed

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Chain is the same...


So you fit the belt to the crank and then pull tightly round the cam pulley along it's longest run, then with these in place try and get the tensioner on and tighten.


Even if it looks slightly off, roll the engine round a couple of times by hand to take out any slack and you might find it lines up. then re-check belt tension


Extra pair of hands always helps keeping things aligned.

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Just done mine today(engine out though) due to 9a conversion, and had to turn the bottom pulley back slightly anticlockwise because when i tensioned the belt the bottom pulley was not ligning up with the tdc mark, make sure the dots on the cam sprockets are spot on and feed the belt on making sure the bottom pulley mark ligns up on the pulley! Tipex is your friend :)

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I dont have a tensioner, I'll try to find somebody local to lend me one I think. Ive not tried this job often, only the once but I gave up pretty quickly.




I have bought a new pully as the one I took off had the woodruff broke, but not bought new belts or anything else. would you recommend me buying anything else as Im doing this job?



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Just new belt and tensioner, i managed to get 2 small drill bits to fit in the holes in the tensioner and place a screw driver through them to put tension on the belt and tighten untill you can twist it slightly! Haynes manual for the golf is helpfull! Using the correct tool is advisable really but you can do it without if your stuck

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when you do the cam to cam chain it is a faff when tightening down the cam caps as everything moves a bit when the lobes hit the tappets, but as long as you keep the chain on the cam sprockets in the right position then that end will be OK.

angled long nosed pliers are always handy for the tensionner if you dont have the right tool, you don't actually need to put massive torque on the tensionner.

I've sometimes had a bit of trouble getting the exhaust cam belt pulley and crank lined up when doing the belt, seems that the valvegear can push the cams round a bit, enough to get the belt out a tooth, but you should be able to compensate by rotating the bottom end a small amount.

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this guides ideal, it helps to have a second pair of hands for the tensioner pulley as you've probly found, and it's a pain in the arse wen it's in the car, as the timing mark on the cover for the crank pulley is a nightmare to see, you don't need ya cam cover on wen getting the belt tight and is good for peice of mind when u can see all the timing marks, if ur struggleing with the cam sprocket timing dots leave the exaust one down tight and simply undo all the caps for the inlet cam, u can turn the inlet cam if u remove one stud, you'll see which one wen your struggling to lift it out. Make sure u put all the caps the correct way round on in the correct order as if only one is the wrong way round the cam won't turn. Make sure you can turn your cam belt 90 just about degrees, that way u know it's not too tight or too loose. Hope that all makes sense. I'll happily talk ya through it on the phone I ya struggling

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