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This countrys law system p!ss' me right off!!

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cant believe what happend...


taking the dog for a walk saturday night and i see 2 cars parked up and 6 guys crowded around a car... as i walk up to it i realise its my brothers so i walk up as if i am passing by and see that they were trying to break into it. So i shouted what the hell you doing?? one of them turns around and says its my cousins car hes lost his key and hes asked me to pick it up and recover it to a garage.. i then say no its not its my car.. two of the bigger guys walk towards me like they are going to kick off and i told them to stay back as my dog wont take it very well if they invade his space..they look at him and back off, jump in the car and drive off fast.

i check the car and they have smashed the passenger window- so i report it to the police who come down in an unmarked car and i gave them the description and registration on one of the cars. they tell me they will do a sweep in the local area but unless caught red handed with something wont be able to do much..

i immobilised the car with a clamp and secured the window as nothing could be done on sunday.... came out this morning and the cars gone!!i report it again and tell them what happened the night before and that i have the details of the car involved but they said they can only put it on file! i was speechless! i would think they would go and check the registered address of the cars involved asap but no!! i feel soo flippin frustrated and the fact that ive seen the people who were more than likely involved just tops it off!!


^^^From Edition 38

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Yep take what ever you want and if you stop them it will be you that will be in a cell!! JOKE of a country, needs a massive shake up the system

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It makes my blood boil, I really hate some things about this country. Mostly the legal system and the political incorectness.

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that is pathetic :bad-words:


Personely, and I know it's wrong, but I'd do all I could to get the address off the reg - go round - mini stake out - if you see it's the same blokes - wait till they're asleep in their rat nests and 're-arrange' various parts of their property.


It's vigilante stuff - but sometimes it really seems the only way


I know... :nono:

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There's quite simply no deterrent, especially for youths as they know they're even more likely to get away with next to no punishment!


We can thanks the rise of bureaucratic cretins and unrealistic morons who think discipline is a bad idea and that these anti-social c*ck ends should be sympathised with as a victim of a failing system!

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I blame the parents.

Closely followed by the berks who keep putting tighter and tighter handcuffs on teachers who have to operate an increasingly regulated system.

Ar*!e covering police system doesn't help either.

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that is pathetic :bad-words:


Personely, and I know it's wrong, but I'd do all I could to get the address off the reg - go round - mini stake out - if you see it's the same blokes - wait till they're asleep in their rat nests and 're-arrange' various parts of their property.


It's vigilante stuff - but sometimes it really seems the only way


I know... :nono:


I'm with you all the way on this!

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I'm sure if he's on the E38 forum he won't have much trouble gathering some brothers to go round and sort them out.

Life in the big city...

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Starting to hate my own country nowadays. Two police today pull over my 70 year old mum as they say she didnt have her belt on. "get in the back of our car" £60 fine" anything you say will be taken down etc etc" Then breathe test. Take the end piece with you ,we wont touch it because of health and safety.


Thats it, from now on if i see ever see one the feckers getting a kickin from a mob I`ll walk right passed and laugh at the fecker,Squeel you feckin p*g squeel! :bad-words:

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haha this just doesnt surprise me the police do nothing nowadays about this sort of thing

there was another guy on edition whos next neighbours cought some guy with a pick up truck just about to take his car and stopped them then rang the police and they said if they havent takin it then theres nothing they can do bull shit


also a friend was clearing out his mums house and they had riped a cast bath out and put it in the BACK garden while they where workin in the bathroom, and some guys came down the drive climbed on the scaffold and saw the bath and took it, they rang the police gave them the reg and a discription to the police and they just said the reg was known to them for this sort of thing but there was nothing they could do if they havnt got the bath on them WHAT :censored:


let downs they like the easy catch, they where probs sat on there arse catching speeding drivers as its clear cut, but something that takes abit of work they dont wana know :sleeping:

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Starting to hate my own country nowadays. Two police today pull over my 70 year old mum as they say she didnt have her belt on. "get in the back of our car" £60 fine" anything you say will be taken down etc etc" Then breathe test. Take the end piece with you ,we wont touch it because of health and safety.


Thats it, from now on if i see ever see one the feckers getting a kickin from a mob I`ll walk right passed and laugh at the fecker,Squeel you feckin p*g squeel! :bad-words:


Sorry, but if she wasnt wearing her belt then surely it was justified. In my opinion no one should be exempt from wearing a belt. Unless medical reasons. Reading the rights is just procedure.


But i agree, there was no reason to breathalise her unless they had reason to and yeah health and safety has gone mad these days.


As already said, there are no ral punishments these days. Kids as young as 9 committing crimes, its appauling.

Bring back parental punishment, and the cane for teachers i say!!!

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As already said, there are no ral punishments these days. Kids as young as 9 committing crimes, its appauling.

Bring back parental punishment, and the cane for teachers i say!!!


totally agree with that, i was smacked as a kid HARD haha and i respected my dad for it and still do, but theres got to be some sort of control on it kids shouldnt be beat for the hell of it tho, but they do need to learn respect

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As already said, there are no ral punishments these days. Kids as young as 9 committing crimes, its appauling.

Bring back parental punishment, and the cane for teachers i say!!!


totally agree with that, i was smacked as a kid HARD haha and i respected my dad for it and still do, but theres got to be some sort of control on it kids shouldnt be beat for the hell of it tho, but they do need to learn respect


Absolutely. I was smacked if I did wrong as a kid, and am a better person for it. Being only 24 Im of a younger generation than some, and reflecting on how utterly disrespectful A LOT of kids are these days is unreal. I look at them and say to myself "I wouldn't have damn well dared to do that at their age"!!!

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Yeah a slipper to my ass did me now harm :lol:


Or how about all the kids wear collars where if they do anything wrong BAM!!! they get a small electrical shock! :lol:

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Or how about all the kids wear collars where if they do anything wrong BAM!!! they get a small electrical shock! :lol:


Or if they leave their pre-determined perimeter their head blows off like a well known Swarchenegger film..!

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Nowt you can do i am afraid. The law in this country is so concerned with the rights of the criminals that the victim is forgotten, until the victims take it in their own hands then find the law comes down on them 100% and the criminals are compensated. Crazy :cuckoo:

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not sure if this has been said but i have heard that if your house is being burgled its against the law to attack the burgler

how crazy is that so basicly if your being burgled go down make em a cuppa and help em nick your stuff !

lets face it you cant identify em cause they are wearing a mask if you beat em up your gonna do time and most of the time your home insurance

will pay out eventually (as long as your not with tesco's as they find any excuse not to pay you)


ho hum might take up this new line of work if things go pair shapes :lol:

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not sure if this has been said but i have heard that if your house is being burgled its against the law to attack the burgler

how crazy is that so basicly if your being burgled go down make em a cuppa and help em nick your stuff !

lets face it you cant identify em cause they are wearing a mask if you beat em up your gonna do time and most of the time your home insurance

will pay out eventually (as long as your not with tesco's as they find any excuse not to pay you)


ho hum might take up this new line of work if things go pair shapes :lol:


I think you can use 'reasonable force' but everyones definition of that will be different and who stops to think how far they can go when they're being burgled!? No one! IMO if a burglar steps into your house, all his rights go out the window! FREE FOR ALL!

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Not being funny but if someone was robbing my house, and I caught them unawares with a baseball bat in my hand, it would take A LOT of will power not to smash their heads in. Obviously this is wrong, but Im not sure id be able to deal with "just let them get on with it, cheeky blighters"

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Not being funny but if someone was robbing my house, and I caught them unawares with a baseball bat in my hand, it would take A LOT of will power not to smash their heads in. Obviously this is wrong, but Im not sure id be able to deal with "just let them get on with it, cheeky blighters"


I think the best option is to go for the legs not the head. Just make sure they can't run (knee caps are ever so painful) then call the police. You could always say 'they tripped' whilst trying to escape. Who will they believe, you or a thief? :D


EDIT - Yes I have thought about this too much, haha!

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At the bottom of my street there is "Meadow" which the estate residents pay for grass cutting and maintenance. It is used by people from all around the area to walk their dogs and I got pi**ed off by some who left their dog crap lying there so I took some pictures and the next time a community cop was in the area I told him about the dog crap and that I had pictures of the offenders. I was told to destroy them as I was infringing their rights. When I asked what would they do to prevent this happening he said to call the police and they would send someone up to investigate!! I did this the next time and two days later someone appeared and said there was nothing they could do as they would have to catch the person in the act of leaving their dog sh*t behind. At this point I gave up and went for a pint.

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Or how about all the kids wear collars where if they do anything wrong BAM!!! they get a small electrical shock! :lol:


Or if they leave their pre-determined perimeter their head blows off like a well known Swarchenegger film..![/quote:pwejs6s5]


I prefer to think.. BATTLE ROYALE!

That'd sort these unruly kids out. Instead of a young offenders, take them to an obscure island somewh-...

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