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This countrys law system p!ss' me right off!!

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Or how about all the kids wear collars where if they do anything wrong BAM!!! they get a small electrical shock! :lol:


Or if they leave their pre-determined perimeter their head blows off like a well known Swarchenegger film..![/quote:2nf68q7j]


I prefer to think.. BATTLE ROYALE!

That'd sort these unruly kids out. Instead of a young offenders, take them to an obscure island somewh-...[/quote:2nf68q7j]


You know what that would be a brilliant idea. Give them an island and let them get on with it. Screw Big Brother X facter etc. This would be THE reality TV to watch 8) :lol:

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You know what that would be a brilliant idea. Give them an island and let them get on with it. Screw Big Brother X facter etc. This would be THE reality TV to watch 8) :lol:



Anyone up for starting a business?... ;D aha

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Vigilante time. Put the little gits on the ground and cut two v shaped wedges out of each achilles tendons. No more running from the police or nicking cars after your tendons have been knackered :hitler:

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lil bit of topic but one thing that really pi##es me off!


i dont go driving on the kerb so why walk infront of me while im driving in the road then give me beef when i almost hit you (cause i aint slowin down for you cause you shouldnt be in the road!) when there is a crossing 50 yards from you!

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Vigilante time. Put the little gits on the ground and cut two v shaped wedges out of each achilles tendons. No more running from the police or nicking cars after your tendons have been knackered :hitler:


Yeah but who funds the NHS Surgery and wheelchairs?! (Which are not cheap!)


Us, the tax payer.

So we lose either way!


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look at the freedoms and prtoection offered to the psycho murderer Jon Venables. And Brown and Straw are not repared to give their details etc. As metnioned earlier, there is only protection for the offenders. Send them all to fight in the frontline, they'd soon get 'cleaned' from our society.

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