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Favour needed from NW area member

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Hi, i'm looking to buy a corrado in the near future, and i could do with seeing if a childs seat will fit in the back with enough leg room. are there any members who would allow me to see if our car seat will fit( our i could measure how much space the seat needs, and someone measure the bck of a rado to give me an idea?)


This is sadly the only issue stopping us from getting one(that and all the good'uns are miles away!) :(


Thanks, Tom :D

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Thats what i'm worried about, every review i read from when they where released says they have excellent rear leg room though so i really want to see for myself(its the only way i'm going to know wether its something to forget or go ahead with) I'm in Bury, North Manchester/south Lancashire. The mrs has family over w. Yorkshire so would be happy to go over that way if its convenient for you. Thanks.


Tom :D

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what car seat do you have?


if its the same as one of mine i will try it, take some pics and let you know how well it fits.


if thats any help?

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Hi thanks for all your replies, we have a maxi cosi priory car seat alittle big but we could change the carseat to what ever fits its more the leg room for the little un that we need to know. if anyone is free this week that would be great to have a look as this is the only thing holding us back from selling our other car an getting a corrado...

cheers tom

p.s bolton isnt far from bury so would be easier :)

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Hi thanks for all your replies, we have a maxi cosi priory car seat alittle big but we could change the carseat to what ever fits its more the leg room for the little un that we need to know. if anyone is free this week that would be great to have a look as this is the only thing holding us back from selling our other car an getting a corrado...

cheers tom

p.s bolton isnt far from bury so would be easier :)


Yeah no worries mate, im just off Bury Road so its just a 10 min drive. Let me know if im needed

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Hi mate yeah that would be great are you free anytime this week for me to have a nosy? where abouts of bury road just heard you can only get one type of carseat for a corrado so will look into buying one just need to find a corrado for sale thats not in london now haha

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Do u know the Lexus Garage on Bury Road? Im 30 seconds from there. Im free pretty much anytime in the evening, but im sure it will be dark by then. Or if you want to wait until weekend we can meet up and you can have a look to give u an idea of what you need to be looking for when searching for your next buy.

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i have the maxi cosi priory seat but as the pics shows it fits ok so no point me puttitn it in and takin pics, its still in the box not started using it yet as my boy is not quite big/old enough for it yet

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Hi, went an bought a Corrado this week so dont need to come view any of your cars now... original post under my mrs username... luckily carseat fits and the little'un has more leg room than the in the Audi.

thanks for all your help guys.

cheers tom :)

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