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Filthy salty roads Arghhh

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Why do the council have to use so much salt on the roads, Its a joke the state of our merc let alone the damage its doing to the underneath of our cars!! As if i haven`t got enough to do now ive got to clean the cars as well as trying to finish the corrado :brickwall: They chuck salt all over the roads even when theres no frost around here because the amount of overtime they get payed :cuckoo: sunday rant over

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Why do the council have to use so much salt on the roads, Its a joke the state of our merc let alone the damage its doing to the underneath of our cars!! As if i haven`t got enough to do now ive got to clean the cars as well as trying to finish the corrado :brickwall: They chuck salt all over the roads even when theres no frost around here because the amount of overtime they get payed :cuckoo: sunday rant over


To be fair we'd moan if they didnt salt the roads and then we got some ice/frost :lol:


But i do hear what you're saying, it just means you havce to wash the car a little bit more frequent. It was only yesterday that i washed the car to get the muck off.

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It's simple.

The councils have a "duty of care" to us. They would face legal action if they blatantly neglected this duty.

Your employers also have a duty of care to you - you should expect your work's car park to be in a safe condition. If you injure yourself on ice, say, in their car park, you can take them to court and have a good chance of winning compensation for your injury if they have not had a reasonable gritting/snow clearing system in place. Happens hundreds of times all over the UK in a typical winter.

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And because the British public at large are totally oblivious to the availability of winter tyres, they don't really have much choice unless they want cars spinning off the roads throughout the winter months.


If they tried to withdraw gritting and made it the law for people to buy winter tyres, the public would be up in arms - the Daily Mail would have a frigging field day!

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And because the British public at large are totally oblivious to the availability of winter tyres, they don't really have much choice unless they want cars spinning off the roads throughout the winter months.


If they tried to withdraw gritting and made it the law for people to buy winter tyres, the public would be up in arms - the Daily Mail would have a frigging field day!


Bet you could have some cheapo winter tyres funded by the government though. Must cost a fair old wedge to keep the gritting going for 4 months of the year!

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