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Cluster screws - arrrgh!!

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Ok, so I took my clocks out for the 1st time earlier.


Those top 2 screws that hold them in place - WOW. I must've lost the screw 8-10times down below, so each time, undid the plug, out the clocks come.


Does anyone have any tips/advice on how to get these buggers back in - other than lots of swearing and cursing! Im using a magnetised screwdriver too, they're just bloody difficult!!! Lol

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they are a pain. I have lost a few screws down there. I have no tips sorry, maybe try tape or something, blue tak

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I must've lost the screw 8-10times down below,


Not so baggy trousers might help or a bib :shrug:

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blue tac

chewing gum

silicon sealant


any of the above work well, also if you take the switches out of the left hand side it gives you a little more room to get your fingers in.

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small section of rubber tubing over the end of the screwdriver and screw head pushed into the end of it

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electric tape joining the screwdriver and the screw. bolt it in, pull back the screwdriver and the tape will come to you with it :) job done




where are those screws btw? I think i don't have them in my car. i've removed the clocks about 20 times and I've never seen them (unless they are the ones on the top of the speedo surround, attached to some metal thingys that are attached to the dash itself and, btw, one of them is broken in my car so i don't have that screw and the surround keeps rattling.).



the undersigned,

thread hi-jacker 8)

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remove the switches from the left and the vent from the right. Fit them by hand until they get some thread gripping. Or as above use some blu-tac

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I can JUST manage to get my hand in for both sides just to start screwing it in. But im am a small guy so my hands will be smaller :lol:


Magnetic screwdriver will help also.

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