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bodywork leak allowing rain in :(

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My poor rado has recently started to accumulate water in the drivers side carpet!! are there any key areas that lead to this? sunroof blockage for example or do the runners along the roof allow water in if the silicon has dried and cracked?



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Nothing can get in on the roof - thats all solid metalwork under the rubber trim.


The most likely candidate is the vapour barrier behind the door card.

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As above- the door membrane may have come undone, or the foliage tray/seal under the scuttle may be blocked or leaking.

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its not a small amount tho. i have been away for a week and it has rained a lot here but the carpet is sodden to the point where water if i press it down water sits on top of it but again only on the drivers side. could this still be the door membrane?

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Yep ..... and/or the drain holes being blocked in the bottom of the door.

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Or the scuttle panel drain holes blocked letting water gather in the scuttle (mine was a like swimming pool once). Water can the tip over into the fan vent grille on the passenger side.

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its not a small amount tho. i have been away for a week and it has rained a lot here but the carpet is sodden to the point where water if i press it down water sits on top of it but again only on the drivers side. could this still be the door membrane?


Yep. Both of mine did exactly the same after the recent weather :( Just the drivers side means its more likely the door membrane than the rain tray as that is on the passenger side. Throw a bucket of water over it to be sure - you will probably see where it runs down the door seal to the bottom of the A-pillar then drips down the plastic trim on to the carpet. There are other sources of leaks, but thats most common in my experience.


Dry it out as soon as you can. Soak up the excess with a cloth or sponge, and if you can get hold of one put a dehumidifier in the car overnight for as long as it takes. If you leave it too long the felt sound deadening starts rotting, and then you are in trouble. I've got one interior completely stripped and drying, and the other one to do next weekend :gag:

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Cheers guys this looks like the problem! It has come away from the lower rear of the door and the front surrounding the speaker.the area behind the speaker also has a vertical rip of about 120mm.how would u recommend repairing this?

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ideally a new membrane, but if you can stick a panel of plastic over the tear with something like the VAG mastic that will stick to polythene, that should be enough.

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i recently had mine to do. just make sure it is sealed at the bottom. drain holes in bottom of door unblocked. i put gaffer tape on the inside and outside of the membrane where i had a slight rip. also put a it of a bin liner to make the water track over the hole. i would also think about taking carpets out if you got that much water as the underlay/sound prrofing will not dry for ages even if carpet feels dry.



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winner! will give this a try tonight!cheers guys! i also think i might need a new weather deflector on the outside of the window as i think this is letting a lot of water into the door shell and contributing to the problem.

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Awsome thread! just had a good old read!! what putty did you use when sealing? where did you get it from? also might have to invest in some panels too for the summer time, its about time she had some new paint!!

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it was a roof sealant i got from a builders merchant. Give me a shout if you need any more info.

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