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I've been hit :o( Advice please! (update on p3...)

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Hello Corrado friends!


I am a bit glum right now, as my beloved dub has just been clouted by a young lad going too fast on a wet road :o(


I got out of the way as much as possible but unfortunately couldn't avoid him... there was contact between the rear quarters of both cars. The main visible damage is to the driver's side wheel arch which has been knocked almost flat, the rest of the panel doesn't look *too* bad but it's dark outside and it's very hard to tell. I don't know if the wheel was hit, it looks clean but it felt funny during the last half mile home afterwards (I was almost there dammit!)


Will add a picture as soon as I can find a card reader or cable.


If anyone who has suffered similar damage could please advise on how you got it repaired, I'd be very grateful as I'm sure the insurers won't help at all!


Cheers for now,



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is he taking blame? is it cash or are you going to the insurance?


if its cash go to the best most expenisve bodyshop you can find. get them to write you a quote, so this mush that hit you if he wont pay then go the insurance route which will cost him more in the long run anyway.


this is what i did when some young lad hit me, he was about 18 and was driving a 2.5 v6 vectra so his insurance would of been loads anyway. i went to a palce that were porsche repair centre got a quote for the work got the cash of this lad then got it done somewhere else for a third of the cost no ones the wiser and im in profit :D

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He knew it was his fault, however I've just had his Dad visit me (we're local to each other) trying to pin the blame on me. Livid is not a strong enough word! Why can't people just be honest when they've made a mistake? AAAAAAARRRGH!


Will go through insurance, don't trust it any other way.





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ive had massive hassle with insurance!


i hit a guy at a roundabout, he pulled out on me i was doin at least 40mph and T-boned him right in his b-post. my car stopped straight away and his went fyling across the round about. once i composed myself i went over to him, he was apoligising, his girlfriend was ballin her eyes out. then got a letter from his insurance saying it was my fault, took threes years to sort and i got £1500 - cheers pal!


then i tapped a different guy doin bout 5mph and he went into the person infront. i just thought i got so much hassle from the last time i jsut took blame straight away. i got a letter from this guy, which was disgusting! he was getting sauna's, massages, blah blah blah! bet he got more than i did!

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Insurance companies certainly are useless, friend at work had his car almost cut in half by a builders' merchants truck with one prop leg that had been left loose, and they took aaages to pay out anything even remotely close to what it cost him. Of course because he's an honest person he didn't claim for compensation like some scroungers.


I know it'll be a hassle but I don't trust them to pay up if we did it for cash - they'd get a nasty shock when they found out what it costs!





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How could he be trying to blame you when his kid lost control on a wet road? Did he even have an explanation / justification for that?!


Hope you get this sorted out... :(

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How could he be trying to blame you when his kid lost control on a wet road? Did he even have an explanation / justification for that?!


None. Obviously when they got home they'd decided to try it on, as he said "my son said you were in the middle of the road". I was in fact about 2 feet onto the verge in an effort to let him past as I had clocked him losing it from some distance! Sadly even with one wing mirror in the hedge (and my car well to the left of the middle of the road as a result) he was fish-tailing all over the place and there was a very saddening bang :o(





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FFS. Why do people not take responsibility for their own actions!


I hope you get it sorted out mate and they grow a pair of balls between them and fess up.

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Thanks, I hope so too!


Took some pictures etc. showing the damage and where I'd put two wheels on the verge so hopefully it'll be clear to the insurers that I was well out of the way!


And, of course, no-one was hurt. Didn't really fancy a head-on even if it was against a crisp-packet 206.





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You need to get a picture of his car now or request your insurance to do a report on both vehicles. They comment on directon of travel and positioning of cars. Id fight it, the ones who are to balme always get found out.

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I have pictures of his car, both the bit that hit mine (small scuff on back wing / bumper) and also the left of his car where he went into the hedge after hitting me (large dent in rear quarter, bumper ripped off on that side) as he had a real tank-slapper on.


Also have pictures of the road, bit of hedge and verge that he hit, area of verge where I pulled off to try and avoid him, and my tyre tracks (showing tread pattern!) in the mud at the edge of the road in the bit leading up to the collision point so hopefully that'll prove that I was in a sensible road position!


Courtesy car coming tomorrow morning, they said "Since yours is a prestige sports car sir, we'll try to find you a similar prestige car" - wonder what it'll be! Fiat uno anyone?


Ho hum, hope it all gets sorted and doesn't cost me lots of money :o/


Cheers all,



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I have pictures of his car, both the bit that hit mine (small scuff on back wing / bumper) and also the left of his car where he went into the hedge after hitting me (large dent in rear quarter, bumper ripped off on that side) as he had a real tank-slapper on.



what sort of cars that you drive get tank slap??? :scratch:


the damage dont look to bad either, ive seen plenty worse.


i'd be well excited bout this prestige motor your gettin! i bet its well poo! :)

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fish-tail, whatever you want to call it - overcorrecting from one side to the other. I use it in car circles because the fuel in the tank will be slapping against the insides :oD


Will keep y'all posted on that hire car!





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And the correct answer was... diesel golf!


I don't like diseasels but apart from that it's okay :o)





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Could've done worse! I was told the same when my car had a bump, ended up with a diesel Alfa 159 which was alright!


Sorry to hear about ur accident bud, hope the truth comes out and u prevail!! :D

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They class a deisel golf as a prestige car :lol:


i dread to think what you would get if not.


best of luck sorting the insurance out

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Hi All,


Need more help on this, it's been going on for nearly 2 months now and my beloved C is still sitting on my drive with a big dent - other party's insurers are denying everything so my insurer's legal bods are taking them to court. They've had the car independently assessed, and they've really low-balled the value (£1800) and high-balled the repair cost (£2500) so they're trying to say it's a total loss :o(


What do I need to do to convince them that it's worth more? I'm sure they're just looking at the age and mileage and nothing else, despite it having had a complete engine & gearbox rebuild 25k ago (cost me over £3k), mint interior, refurbed wheels, front suspension rebuild, etc. Anyone got any experience with such a situation?


This whole thing is really getting me down :o(


Thanks in advance,



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He knew it was his fault, however I've just had his Dad visit me (we're local to each other) trying to pin the blame on me. Livid is not a strong enough word! Why can't people just be honest when they've made a mistake? AAAAAAARRRGH!


Will go through insurance, don't trust it any other way.






Did you go all Chuck Norris on him :censored:

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You need to start finding Autotrader, Pistonheads ads of cars in similar condition to yours and providing copies of the receipts for some of the bigger jobs you've had done would help you no end as well. Arm yourself with those and supply them to your insurer to pass through and I'm sure that will help.


Everyone on the forum who has been nearly screwed by an insurer has taken this approach and it has usually helped!

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Jesus £2500! someone reversed into me and did in the front wing and door, it cost only £700 overall to get new replacement wing and repair the door n paint. U been to body shops to ask for quotes then? Try n get low quotes so they can't write it off.


Just keep on at them cos when I did mine the woman didn't want to know at the insurance company but I wudnt leave them alone lol. If u get a quote less than value they would pay to repair. Is it still undecided who's fault it is with them or has the lad accepted now?

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I know how you feel man somone hit my car door and f**ked off dont know who it was the dent is about a foot and a half diameter quote 1700 euro.

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Thanks for the comments all. I've had an estimate for the bodywork, assuming the rear suspension isn't bent (the tyre but not the wheel was touched by the other guy's car) the estimate is just below £700.


When showing them ads for cars in similar condition (tricky, not many have such fresh engines) will they accept ads from this forum or others, or are we talking about print ads only?





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the insurance will only repair it properly if i remember correctly and as such will want to replace the whole panel hence y the quote is so large. this happened to me a year or two back. i ended up accepting the money for the insurance and buying the car back and then buying another one cos i didnt want a cat C. but i sold it on to someone who wanted a project car there are people out there. you could break it for more money but i didnt have the time. but you shouldnt lose to much money if you claim and then buy it back and then sell it on.

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