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What clay bar

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So what clay bar would people reconmend


Im thinking of getting the auto glym one but would any one sudjest any other kits

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To be honest, a claybar is pretty much a claybar. The autoglym or meguiars one would be fine :)

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bilt hamber autoclay, its the only clay you can use with water as a lubricant.



you can use others with a strong mix of car shampoo and water apparently.

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Depends how heavily contaminated the car is but TBH pretty much any clay bar will do a good job. I have used Sonus, Dodo and Bilt Hamber and been happy with them all. Elite Car Care own brand are also very good value for money

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I've used Sonus, and a few of the "Own Brand" ones, and I would always use sonus from now on. Its also much better value than the AG or megs kits.


The first time I clayed I used shampoo and water as lube, but since then have used quick detailer and the difference is night and day. Plus the QD can be used for other things.


Its probably obvious, but I find it better to go around the car in a spiral starting with the roof, so that you end up doing the bottom bits of the car last.

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