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You can but they are illegal and apparently now if an error is thrown up on the police gun a picture and a red flag is put against your reg, id get one of these would be well funny





Have you seen the video at the bottom of the page? ... Beheading a cat in the sunroof?! You think that's real?!! ... If it is, I'd like to castrate the kunt that did that, sick basterd :censored:

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I agree with kevhaywire on this. This 'system' is just open to abuse by the kinds of curtain twitching pensioners who have nothing better to do with themselves. There is no evidence other than thier reporting you, and who is to say what criteria they apply? Owners of sports cars are (in my view) particularly likely to be picked upon simply because we choose to drive something more interesting than a Kia Pride.


I've seen similar complaints to Jim's on Pistonheads over the past 18 months. If I ever get a letter from something like this then I will just bin it. And if any copper thinks he is going to come around and intimidate me with a 'kindly word' based on the say-so of some old f&%ker and with no evidence they can sing for it as far as I'm concerned.


But my final observation is this. I honestly think that one of these days one of these interfering fuddy-duddies is going to point thier little speed gun at the wrong sort of person... the sort of person who won't think twice aout stopping and beating the crap out of them for doing it. That is how this is going to end.

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John / Kev - precisely what upset me about it all. It's just wrong frankly and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's an outrage.


Thing is, I can understand why they've done it... that road IS a hotbed for maniacs, and I'm sure they're sick of it along their. Fair enough. But this should be the job of the police to sort out.. not the job of freaking pensioners and do gooders. If they were so inclined, they could note down my plate and tell plod that I'd been speeding - and their word would be taken as gospel. I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. That is, as far as I'm concerned, wrong.


Beheading a cat in the sunroof?! You think that's real?!!


No.. it's not real. Keep your wig on ;) It was a viral video done for the Sport Ka when it launched, to show that the Ka had an 'evil' side. There was another one too with a pigeon flying in front of the car - the bonnet springs open and bashes it away. Pretty amusing ;)

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Interesting route you´re taking to work, as Red Lane isn´t anywhere near to central campus of Warwick Uni. No wonder you get pensioners with guns pointing at people for having taken the wrong route into work :lol: I would, too :lol:



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Had these idiots around our way too a few months ago, waiting at a 60-30mph delimitation. I was a little puzzled at first when I saw the gun, but when I noticed who was holding it, breathed a sigh of relief :lol: And yes, they did seem to get excited and trigger happy when I approached. Reckon I was defo going too fast, but never got a letter.

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No.. it's not real. Keep your wig on ;) It was a viral video done for the Sport Ka when it launched, to show that the Ka had an 'evil' side. There was another one too with a pigeon flying in front of the car - the bonnet springs open and bashes it away. Pretty amusing ;)


Cheers, I've adjusted my syrup :lol: ... my lady assured me of the same last night! Got me fuming when I saw it, looks bloody real though!!

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Just been on hornblasters.com and I want one :grin:


I used to have a twin boat horn on my GTI, yes they are as fun as they look! I only used it on people who deserved it though...


I know what you mean Jim, it's the preconceptions about your car that's narked you and I don't blame you. I had to sit through a local council meeting recently while some poor highways guy got grilled by the biddies for not putting speed cameras on their road. All his surveys showed that hardly anyone broke the limit there and he couldn't justify spending money on trying to slow people down. After half an hour of going in circles it boiled down to the fact that the road was next to a 16-18 college and every fiesta/corsa with a loud exhaust pulled out and hit 30mph in 1st as quick as possible. The old locals thought this MUST be speeding without actually thinking about it... :brickwall:


And giving them high vis and letting them power trip with speed guns is just a way of trying to get something for nothing by the police.

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this sounds like a good idea to me i might ring the old bill for a gun

THEN SMASH THE F#/KIN THING ON THE FLOOR :D :lol: i mean it slipped out of my hand officer :nono:


sayin that im 25 theres no chance il get one as i aint an old git yet haha

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But my final observation is this. I honestly think that one of these days one of these interfering fuddy-duddies is going to point thier little speed gun at the wrong sort of person... the sort of person who won't think twice aout stopping and beating the crap out of them for doing it. That is how this is going to end.


Forgot about this thread.


Got the gun waved at me again this morning, but I was in a good mood so I smiled at them and waved :D


John's point above is exactly what went through my mind the first time I saw these cronies standing their by the side of the road in their flourescent tank tops, clipboards and pens in hand. One thing people with an ounce of common sense and wisdom realise, is British drivers hate being told how to drive. And with petrol and insurance prices currently taking the p1ss, many many drivers drive around in bad moods these days. So all it's going to take is to point that gun at some overly aggressive and angry bloke and it'll all kick off. The Press will do their usual skipping of the details and report it as "Innocent pensioner attacked by boy racer" and motorists will be further tarnished and victimised.


I can see it happen though. They stand their, completely humourless and steely faced antagonising people.


I love Yan's idea of 30mph in 1st, PMSL :lol: Mind you, they're pensioners, they do that themselves anyway so won't see the funny side! What we should really do is get together a massive convoy of bikers (including the loud harleys) to drive through at 15mph and ruin their Sunday lunch :D

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But my final observation is this. I honestly think that one of these days one of these interfering fuddy-duddies is going to point thier little speed gun at the wrong sort of person... the sort of person who won't think twice aout stopping and beating the crap out of them for doing it. That is how this is going to end.


Forgot about this thread.


Got the gun waved at me again this morning, but I was in a good mood so I smiled at them and waved :D


John's point above is exactly what went through my mind the first time I saw these cronies standing their by the side of the road in their flourescent tank tops, clipboards and pens in hand. One thing people with an ounce of common sense and wisdom realise, is British drivers hate being told how to drive. And with petrol and insurance prices currently taking the p1ss, many many drivers drive around in bad moods these days. So all it's going to take is to point that gun at some overly aggressive and angry bloke and it'll all kick off. The Press will do their usual skipping of the details and report it as "Innocent pensioner attacked by boy racer" and motorists will be further tarnished and victimised.


I can see it happen though. They stand their, completely humourless and steely faced antagonising people.


I love Yan's idea of 30mph in 1st, PMSL :lol: Mind you, they're pensioners, they do that themselves anyway so won't see the funny side! What we should really do is get together a massive convoy of bikers (including the loud harleys) to drive through at 15mph and ruin their Sunday lunch :D


It occurs to me that what might be fun would be to pull up alongside them and take a photograph of them in thier hi-vis & holding the speed gun.


Pensioner : "Why did you take our photograph"

Driver : "So you know what it feels like... and so I'll recognise you both in the supermarket... have a nice day..."



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this is the kind of thing that kills me to see and im glad that where i live i havent yet but if i see an old hoot with a speed gun ill simply pull right in front of where they are stood sit a 2000rpm with my windows down with my music on loud while shouting and asking what they are up to thats sure to confuse any old bid!

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