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C5 oem .....great white hope

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I swear blind Stephen King wrote the screenplay for the film "Christine" about a Corrado :lol:


Every time I've uttered the immortal words "I think I may sell the car". The following week I'm met by a spitting out of the dummy and somethings broken (usually expensive) so don't beat yourself up about it.


I wouldn't be too hasty to sell though Andy. You've put a huge amount of effort into your car since buying it. As soon as it's gone, it's gone for good (money permitting) and you'll be twelve months down the line wanting to scratch the Corrado itch you had only had a few moons previous.


The car's a credit to you and it would be a shame if someone else took all the credit for all your hard work.


Take the time to enjoy it and use these mechanical issues as just one of those things.


All the best with whatever you decide.


Hoovers just broke as well, the gods not on myside today...


cheers mate, hope this matrix goes in ok tomorrow..luckily i`ve got a quiet day tomorrow so hope to have it all done..!!


might even put the rs`s on to cheer myself up..lol 8)

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lol robrado and myself have this conversation pretty much every week one of us has fallen out with the poxy car! i wouldnt give up on this one bud its extremly nice in the pics id love to se it in the metal but as my car doesnt even turn a wheel god damn thing dont get me started on it its highly likely i probably wont attend any of the shows in time!! in fact i wouldnt even park my car next to yours as it would piss me off! lol

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Need the screw cover for the clock surround it pinged off during removal..!!! sure its still in the car but cant find it yet..¬¬!!!!









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you sounded p---off on the phone yesterday and that was before the matrix blow ...keep your chin up mate



i was mate thats why the cars up for sale...!!!!!

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Just started pulling the dash apart to replace the heater matrix......


Unless some miracle happens you`ll see it next in a for sale section.. :mad2:



Is it me or do corrados always throw a wobbler when they have been in someone elses hands, its like they go fook off i'll blow my matrix that'll teach him or i'll leak some oil to p!ss him off haha.


Good luck with the matrix mate, you need a spare pair of hands through the week give us a shout only down the road




It's a written rule they'll do something to you when you buy one off someone else. My first one blew a rad hose after 40 miles, the second one threw a hissy fit due to previous dodgy wiring.

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Lol! this thread cheers me up no end Andy as i often feel exactly the same frustrations with my car so chin up mate you are not alone and hang in there, it's what Corrados do! :grin:

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Andy don't sell mate. I know how you're feeling. Remember my A-pillars just after the respray? And the oil cooler after the new radiator? One thing after another. I wanted to smash it up! But once I realised how much I'd spent so far I had to carry on. And now I'm so glad I did. Can't wait to get back in it now, even though they'll probably be something else to fix soon as I do lol.


You've put way to much time and effort into it to sell now mate I think you'll regret it in the not too distant future...

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Started to detail the paint.









Edited by C5 OEM

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Nice work Andy. Hope mine comes up that clean when I do my rear beam. New paint looks stunning too.

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