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Any ideas on this then?

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Right, think my engine is properly buggered but going to see what people think it may be before i take it apart. Well had it serviced on the friday and everything seemed well, drove it home the 2 hours it took and just before i got home it chucked out a load of white smoke, still drove fine. Drove it the next day with no problems. Monday morning i got up for work, tried the car and it tried to start but wouldn't catch, ruled out alot of things before doing the copmression test,


Compression test results


1 60 PSI

2 170 PSI

3 175 PSI

4 80 PSI

5 120 PSI

6 150 PSI


So your thoughts?





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id go with dead head gasket as a guess. oil in water or vice versa? drinking coolant?


may be worth asking a garage to chuck some indicator stuff in, pretty reliable test.


but could be other things, piston rings/seals etc.


i seem to think i was told cylinder 1 and 4 run the hottest and will go first.

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1 and 6 are usually the first culprits to wear.


However I'd hazard a guess that your head gasket has gone between 1 and 4 :(

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A leak down test will confirm where the problem is, but by the time you've transpored the car to a garage that can do it (properly) etc, you may as well just whip the head off yourself and see what lurks within.


A bit of a ball ache, but if it is just a HG, you'll be back on the road withing hours. If it's something more sinister, at least you'll know for sure and better to see it with your own eyes than be told by the garage you're engine's knackered!


Pop the plugs out and see if there's any evidence of water in the bores etc, but either way, with those compressions, the head's gotta come off regardless :(

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So your thoughts?



Its f*cked. Go buy a hammer. :lol:







Seriously, its hopefully just a head gasket and nothing more serious. Pray you haven't warped the head. You getting mayo under the oil cap?

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Cheers for the replies, would this stop the car turning over if it is headgasket because of the low comp in the block? No coolant loss or mayo, so head will come off and i'll have a good look round. Just seems wierd that the car just worked one day and not the next so if it is a HG failure it must be a big one!





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So your thoughts?




Its f*cked. Go buy a hammer. :lol:







Aahhh, the elusive VW fix it all tool! :lol:

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