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Motorbike owners nr P'boro - speed limit protest ride Jun 6

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What do bikers care anyway? I don't think I've ever seen a motorbike doing the speed limit (higher, or new lower limit) on a country road in my last 11 years of being a motorist. They're up your arse and then they're past you at full throttle the second there's a gap in the traffic.

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does it really matter what they care if it helps stop limits being lowered unnecessarily everywhere though Jim?

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Will be a fair few bikes there, always is around this area when something like that is happening :)

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P'boro is about 100 miles from here but there's a good chance I can make the trip. I should be able to bring a few mates too.

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What do bikers care anyway? I don't think I've ever seen a motorbike doing the speed limit (higher, or new lower limit) on a country road in my last 11 years of being a motorist. They're up your arse and then they're past you at full throttle the second there's a gap in the traffic.

Nice generalisation. I regularly follow bikers that are happy to sit with the traffic. Not all two-wheeled pilots have a death wish; some are just looking to get to work, etc.


Personally, I ride a bike because they're way more exciting than cars. Part of that is the ability to make progress in traffic. I'm not daft enough to be 'up the arse' of the car in front though. There's really no need when you're on something that accelerates like even an averagely powerful bike does.

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Nice generalisation.


I appreciate it's a sweeping generalisation but I honestly have never experienced anything other than that sort of behaviour every time I see someone on an even vaguely sporty bike. They're almost universally "on it" at every possibly opportunity. I appreciate that's sort of the point of a sports bike.. to go quickly.. but my feelings on this still stand!

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You're probably right. I can't speak for the entire biking community. There are loose cannons out there in cars and on bikes alike.

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What do bikers care anyway? I don't think I've ever seen a motorbike doing the speed limit (higher, or new lower limit) on a country road in my last 11 years of being a motorist. They're up your arse and then they're past you at full throttle the second there's a gap in the traffic.

Nice generalisation. I regularly follow bikers that are happy to sit with the traffic. Not all two-wheeled pilots have a death wish; some are just looking to get to work, etc.


Personally, I ride a bike because they're way more exciting than cars. Part of that is the ability to make progress in traffic. I'm not daft enough to be 'up the arse' of the car in front though. There's really no need when you're on something that accelerates like even an averagely powerful bike does.

100 per cent agree. There are some idiots for sure, that's not a bike only thing though, there are plenty of idiot car drivers too.

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What do bikers care anyway? I don't think I've ever seen a motorbike doing the speed limit (higher, or new lower limit) on a country road in my last 11 years of being a motorist. They're up your arse and then they're past you at full throttle the second there's a gap in the traffic.

Nice generalisation. I regularly follow bikers that are happy to sit with the traffic. Not all two-wheeled pilots have a death wish; some are just looking to get to work, etc.


Personally, I ride a bike because they're way more exciting than cars. Part of that is the ability to make progress in traffic. I'm not daft enough to be 'up the arse' of the car in front though. There's really no need when you're on something that accelerates like even an averagely powerful bike does.


to be fair says the man with a pic of a bike doing a wheelie down a housing estate :cuckoo:


up to the person riding it really. living out in the sticks i see all different kinds of riders.


mainly idiots i have to say though, thats possibly part of living near a race track more than anything else?? road closed for 8 hours a couple of weeks ago because a biker hit a wall, brown bread.

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mainly idiots i have to say though, thats possibly part of living near a race track more than anything else?? road closed for 8 hours a couple of weeks ago because a biker hit a wall, brown bread.


Depends how you grade idiocracy I guess, I drive 130 miles everyday for work on a mixture of A & B roads and I've been stuck on the A14 what seems like hundreds of times because a car has managed to park itself rather unfortunately in another cars boot at speed. Thankfully I've never seen someone seriously hurt (car, bike or otherwise) but it would tend to be cars and lorries who cause the majority of accidents.


Now I've been riding bikes longer than I've been driving and it makes my blood boil when I see guys on sports bikes riding like it's their own personal race track but is it really that stupid? Any form of poor driving/riding should be frowned upon, and rightly so, but to tarnish every motorcyclist as dangerous is both ridiculous and unfair. Surely it is fair less dangerous/stupid/selfish/irresponsible to be one rider on a 200kg bike overtaking with more than enough power to be round you before you know it than it is to be in control of a 2000kg moving brick with up to 4 other souls overtaking when you've barely got enough power to get upto 70-80mph in the first place?


Maybe from the riders own health point of view but for every bike I see acting like a tosser on my daily commute I can guarantee you that I'll see 10 cars driving like they own the road or paying so little attention that you can see they'll be picking bits of hedgerow out of their grills sometime soon.

And I always make a point of letting the motorbikes past as safely as possible if I can, partly because that's what I'd hope another driver would do if I came up behind them on my bike, and partly because it's their life and even if they did unfortunately crash it's more than likely only their life they'll take.


On the other hand Mr Mondeo overtaking on a single carriageway is just as likely to survive whilst the unfortunate oncoming family in their MPV/Estate that he hit/forced off the road suffer the consequences of his stupidity and I know which one i would say is more idiotic.


Sorry for the rant.


p.s. I'll be in Peterborough on the 6th, doing the speed limit riding with my father and uncle. And I'd like to point out that none of us have ever been pulled by the police, been caught speeding, or repremanded for any other driving offences either on a bike, or in a car. :wink:

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You seem to have missed the part about up to the person riding it when quoting

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You seem to have missed the part about up to the person riding it when quoting


that's because I didn't disagree with that part of your post, in fact I whole heartedly agree with you it is the rider/drivers decision to control their vehicle in the mannor they choose. I was merely saying that branding motorcyclists as idiots is rather shortsighted when far more people everyday are taking similar risks whilst in control of 2 tonnes of metal and plastic.


We've all done it, that ill timed overtake where we should have waited for a bigger gap or miss judging an exit and sneaking into gap when we've cut someone up, I sure have. Not intentionally but I've done it. But on a bike it really is your neck (so to speak).

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