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Side Mouldings Yes or No?

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yes, be careful you dont also remove paint though. be warned aswell that this is a place body shops may have used to paint to so you may find unwanted surprises underneath

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Are they glued on...? Can they come of by heat gun?


I did mine on a warm day using hot water and a plastic kind of scraper thing the wife used for cooking (don't tell her, she thinks she lost it). Didn't want to use a heat gun in case I overheated something and the plastic thingy to prevent damage to the paint. If I remember correctly it took me two or three hours of going slowly to get them all off. The car still had the original paint at that point, however as mentioned elsewhere, if it had been painted since the strips may just have been masked off rather than being removed so you could end up with something rather unsightly. Examine along the strips for any signs that it may have been masked. If you're happy to proceed then do one of the smaller strips in front of the door. Just take your time and be patient.

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The car was resprayed by the previous owner. I'am sure they didnt bother to remove these strips. As the car paint looks fresh but the black paint on the rubber strips looks its age. :censored:

I guess i will have to leave it then.


Thanks for the reply guys.!

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There shouldn't be paint on the rubber strips? Are u sure they haven't taken them off, resprayed it, put them back on but the rubber strips are just faded?


Personally I like my strips, Im a big fan of little bits that break the car up as is 3corsameal. For instance Id NEVER go for a colour coded grill etc :D

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Have a good close look at them, Masking isn't usually a perfect art and there will be signs of it having been done, especially in tricky little spots. Look for body colour on the strips or little "Missed bits" where the tape has covered the body slightly, particularly on the underside.


I prefer the car with the side strips off but the grille and handles are black so I suppose I fall somewhere between the two camps, but that's what makes us individuals.

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You could try and take off one of the smaller strips, think they're at the front from memory, about 6" long


If It looks rubbish then just glue it back on

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I disagree with the general consensus I think red cars look better/cleaner without imo.

On darker cars they don't show up as much.I think they date the cars.

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