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oneohtwo's VR6 - New Engine!

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I think the Golf motor superseded the Corrado one and might have been used on some late cars? I thought I was buying a mark 3 motor (with a 3a09 part number) but when it arrived it was clearly a Corrado motor. It was a bit odd, the box it came in was a proper VAG box, sealed, with a 3a09 part number and the motor was in a sealed bag, but the mark 3 motor looks quite different to the Corrado one. This was identical and it didn't have a VAG sticker on it either.

My guess is that VW had some of the 535 Corrado motors left in stock after they were superseded but repackaged them as 3a09 as this was the new required part number.  They perhaps then removed the 535 part number sticker to avoid confusion. Of course it could be a second hand part that someone was trying to pass off as new and I was mugged off - but the sealed VAG box makes me think it can't have been this. 

Anyway, all's well that ends well.


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