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Compomotive MO 8x17 Classic 5-Spoke Ltd Edition

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Compomotive are about to release a classic 5 spoke MO wheel in 8x17. The information provided by Compomotive suggests they have designed the wheel to be more accomodating for larger brakes and lighter too.

I understand the price on release will be £800 plus vat however if we could secure a group buy order of 10 sets ( a range of offsets, PCDs and colours are available) we can secure significant savings.


The wheels are the closest thing I have seen to the OE Speedlines so the car will retain its period visual appeal whilst having the benefit of a purposeful bigger 8x17 wheel. As the wheel is very much like the Speedline I imagine a 5x100 ET 35 in Silver will be the ideal wheel for any interested parties.


Sorry can't link pics follow the link for pics and more info


http://www.comp.co.uk/news/detail.asp?n ... TIVE+WHEEL


Comp MO 17-8.jpg[/attachment:1mygs1jc]


There is a drawing at the bottom of this post showing the fitment over standard VR6 brakes and running gear from Compomotive and I think they are confident of them fitting over 288 and 312mm OE upgrades, they can answer specific queries on other upgraded brakes subject to providing the right information.


Would this be of any interest to forum users?


Will update list of potentially interested parties @ £130 plus vat per wheel




1 OSV - Paid

2 coullstar - Paid

3 Bigben - Paid

4 Onestep - Paid

5 Robrado974 - Paid

6 Ben B - Paid

7 matty.vrt - Paid

8 Kevhaywire - Paid



2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdffitment.jpg[/attachment:1mygs1jc]

Edited by OSV

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Depending on price and if I can sell my wheels first, maybe intrested. If not may have to wait till the end of the year to see what bonus I get. :lol:

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Bump for some very nice wheels. I have a set of 7.5x16 in ET30 for my G60, and I've had a lot of comments about how well they suit the car. The main issue is weight - so good to hear they have made some progress there. Brake clearance was excellent already - I fit 315mm AP disks and Porka callipers behind mine with room to spare.

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You know my feelings on this. Would be good to an actual photo if they have one produced yet.


Might be worth offering it on VR6OC as well.

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im also interested, but depends on brake clearance for me...


what sort of prices would we be looking at then?

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Both queries for me too, but the price is more important at this stage for me.


RRP is obviously £960 inc VAT + Postage, which I certainly won't be entertaining!


Comp are usually good with brake clearance. You send them a schematic of your setup (or just give them the measurements they ask for) and they shove em into their CAD software and come up with some offsets that will work.


If it's more than ET30 needed to clear my AP calipers, then I'm out immediately. I hate wheel poke!

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Only an issue if your showing the car. Mine are fine but not perfect and unless your within a couple of inches you would never see anything.

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  Supercharged said:
Very good wheels for brake clearance as above but sh1te quality in terms of paint finish... not trying to put people off but I think you have to remember these are aimed at Motorsport and not made to last as well as OE.




Ha ha, yeah. Remember my old 16" 6 spoke MOs? They had to go back for repainting as the finish was terrible :lol:


Funny thing was when I sent them back, they told me they had just refurbished their paint shop and could now paint more than 1 wheel at a time! LOL! A major wheel maker with a one wheel at a time paint shop, I mean, only in flippin England, ay? :lol:

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The good news is that for the group buy we can get a superb price of £130 plus vat per wheel which is more than a third off but this is only possible through the group buy and we need 10 interested parties. I think this limited opportunity is too good to miss.

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Yeah £600 for a set of those is a very good price indeed.


If Comp can offer us some assurance the finish will be to road car standards, then I'm in - pending caliper clearance.

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Started a list of potentially interested parties on the first post, please indicate if you are interested in adding your name. Thankyou

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When are they going to be availble, just to give me se idea of how soon I should put my wheels up for sale and then be able to commit.

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When would u need payment?


Can someone photoshop some 17" mo's onto a rado?

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Price will be £130 plus vat per rim.


A range of offsets, colours and PCDs are available.


Can't proceed without 10 interested parties but having done so would be looking at end of September perhaps. If we miss out on the group buy they will be close to £1000 inc vat at which point i'm out. So its a great time to secure a not to be repeated price by commiting to the group buy.

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are you checking out brake clearance on them Gareth? I cant really afford them but if they were safe for some future brakes I could go on as number 10 on the list.

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Those wheels are lovely. I've always been a fan of Comp MO5s, not just on Rados either.


I don't know when this group buy will go through and how much they'll be, but if I already had a VR and the money then I'd be in.

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sounds like a good price to me :D


if they go over my brakes count me in for sure, this has to be done!!

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Here is a diagram of fitment over stock VR set up. If you want assurances about specific brakes I will beed to forward the relevant info to Compomotive



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sorry if this is a dumb question, but can you order these with a specific et for your requirements.

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Certainly :D


ET Between 35 and 10


Range of PCDs


Range of colours


One size 8x17

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im sure i can get a size so they fit mint 8)


is the grey they come in darkish? i would like a light grey rather than silver i reckon...

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think this is the grey finish they normally do (this is a 15" wheel btw - borrowed from VR6OC)



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